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Are They Disarming You For Your Own Good Or Just To Save Their Own Skins From Fed Up Citizens?

in Activism/Free Market/Media/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Disarming you for your own good or saving their own skins from disillusioned citizens?

What was the explicit reason that our liberty-leaning founders declared as the purpose for the second amendment right to bear arms? Isn’t the silence deafening on the part of our esteemed leaders in response to this question? Didn’t our founding forefathers explicitly state that first imperative for the right to bear arms is to protect ourselves from tyrannical governments?

What are the top ten commandments of tyrannical institutional authoritarian governments?

What is the first thing that tyrannical governments do? Violate the second amendment by disarming us?

What is the second thing that tyrannical governments do? Tax the hell out of us to fund their monopoly over the use of force?

What is the third thing that tyrannical governments do? Tell us that they are disarming and taxing us for our own good and the good of the economy, while conveniently avoiding the fact that disarming us is really for their own good to save their own skins from disillusioned citizens?

Now that government has partially succeeded in disarming us and selectively impoverished us through taxes, what is the fourth thing that tyrannical governments do? Do they stifle our first amendment right to free speech threatening us with force using their monopoly over arms and subjecting us to legal, tax, and regulatory harassment? Exclude us from selective preferences offered only to those who go along with their rights violations and use free-lunch entitlements as bait? Jail us at a world-leading incarceration rate based on invented or victim-less ‘crimes’? Use asset forfeiture, when they can get away with it, to expand their power and feather their own nests?

What is the fifth thing that tyrannical governments do? Jump at every opportunity to get involved in long-winded foreign entanglements? Tax the hell out of us to fund their wars and that require lucrative incentives for military slavery, but with the real underlying intent to gloss over their economic and leadership failures?

What is the sixth thing that tyrannical governments do? Impose protectionist regulations, subsidies, and tariffs that favor their cronies and strangle our economy while they ‘fiddle while Rome burns’ and maximize their own personal wealth with no thought to the future and damage to our economy, society, and way of life?

What is the seventh thing that tyrannical governments do? Use xenophobic nationalism to fuel populist support for blatantly protectionist violations of individual rights?

What is the eighth thing that tyrannical governments do? Leave our society vulnerable to fascist and socialist inroads and the associated threat of dictatorship by promoting class warfare, xenophobia, racial divisiveness, insular protectionist economics, and pitting all of us against each other in the food fight for crony preferences pandered in exchange for political support and votes?

What is the ninth thing that tyrannical governments do? Implement pervasive paranoid privacy invasions enabled by disarming us at every turn with the unspoken motive of protecting their own skins from disgruntled fed-up citizens?

What is the tenth thing that tyrannical governments do? Have the audacity and effrontery to tell us that the above nine commandments are necessary for our own good and represent a pure-hearted altruistic expression of their self-sacrifice for the good of all? Yikes?

Friends, do you buy into the above ten tyrannical government commandments? Is there anything that governments can do for us that we can’t do better for ourselves voluntarily in the private sector or commercially in the free market? Have you too come to the illuminating conclusion that governments have ALWAYS existed for the benefit of those who govern?

If you do not buy into the ten commandments of institutional authoritarian tyrannical government, is now the time for you to personally make a New Decade’s Resolution?

In 2020, are you ready to take the bull by the horns and reject all the evil facets of tyrannical government, starting with the defeat or repeal of all gun laws that disarm innocent victims?


D. Pratt Tseramed, January 1, 2020

Will Armchair Libertarians Become Proactive Followers And Leaders By Example?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack

Calling all armchair Libertarians to embrace a challenging new role as a Libertarian leader or follower by example.

Tired of being just another armchair Libertarian? Are you ready to be a Libertarian leader by example? If you are an upwardly mobile armchair Libertarian, are you willing to proactively explore with an open mind the many exciting options available to Libertarian leaders by example?

If you don’t like politics, will you support the private sector? Better yet, will you join the growing list of entrepreneur and innovator heroes that will lead the way for the next generation of Libertarian leaders by example.

If politics is your thing, show up, get involved, and make a difference. Don’t seek authority over others for authority’s sake or merely getting elected for the same reason. Inspire with leadership by example. Make and keep commitments. Take the bull by the horns. Collaborate with other like-minded folks to magnify your individual human resource assets. Get stuff done.

If you don’t like how others pursue freedom, march to your own drummer. It will take all kinds. Create your own innovative solutions. Take responsibility for being the motor of the world. Earth, or wherever you choose to hang out, will be a better place for your proactive creativity and follow-through.

Is leadership not for you today but rather a role you are building toward in the future? How about learning the ropes today in a role of follower by example, the preliminary stage for many if not all leaders by example?

Most of us are both leader and follower depending on the situation at hand and the skills we bring to the table. Without the individual flexibility between leader and follower, our society would not function nearly as well as it does, especially in light of the ever growing magnitude of government impediments.

Regardless of whether your path to freedom is the free market, movement participation, running for office, or independent activism, freedom for all of us will come sooner if you get involved and get stuff done. Another benefit of taking the bull by the horns is that your complaints will be taken more seriously when you contribute to solutions.

Freedom for you and all of us depends on those who show up. Let’s put the pedal to the metal as we journey down the roads to freedom, nothing more, nothing less, for all people. Leaders and followers by example will light the torch of freedom and show us the way.

You too can be a Libertarian for the ages, a heroic Libertarian leader by example that inspires much-needed followers by example.


D. Pratt Tseramed, December 24, 2019

When Do Politicians Get Rich? Vote Instead With Your Wallet in the Free Market?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
When did the politician get rich? Before elected or while in office?

Next November, who will you vote for?

1. A billionaire turned politician?

2. A politician who got rich while in office?

The way I look at it, a billionaire turned politician can be good or bad. Most politicians are bad, but a politician who gets rich while in office raises a huge red flag.

I don’t know about you, but I prefer to leave the politicians to their own devices and out-compete the authoritarian bastards and their government social service monopolies by building better competitive social services in the free market where we don’t have to elect corruptible power-seeking representatives.

Free markets are the only true direct democracies where we vote with our wallets and win-win mutually-beneficial agreements in trillions of transactions every day. Ever wonder why free markets have never failed over the entire history of mankind while even the best governments typically fail in less than 200 years? Hmmm.

The U.S. is approaching its 250th birthday. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to read between the lines and see that we are accelerating toward bankruptcy, mud-hut socialist conformity, and misery punctuated by endless wars and violence.

I support political candidates, especially if they are independently wealthy, as long as they are champions of freedom and free markets. However, except for one third party, champions of freedom are harder to find than a needle in a haystack. Billionaires enriched by being in bed with government are thicker than fleas and easy to find under every crony blanket.

Politics brings out the worst in us, especially in our elected officials and their appointed cronies. Nevertheless, we have a golden opportunity to set the stage for a freedom political solution by first putting government social service monopolies out of business.

The door is wide open as government monopolies fall all over themselves to price their coercive social services out of business. Following the repeal of the individual mandate, Obamacare has rapidly become an economic eyesore and is being out-competed by higher-quality cash-basis healthcare at a fraction of the cost.

Obamacare promised to cutt premiums in half. Guess what, premiums doubled. Yikes! The good news is that the painful failures of government social services have opened the door to better competitive private-sector solutions.

Other government social service monopolies are persistently following suit on the economic failure of Obamacare. the failing monopolies include the public education cartel, social entitlements, the military, drug-war and immigration law enforcement, courts of law, NASA, and regulatory agencies, just to name a few.

Fellow freedom lovers and entrepreneurs, the window of opportunity is wide open to achieve personal success and build a robust free-market economy that will benefit everyone, including corrupt officials as we either help them clean up their acts or boot their butts back into the private sector where they will have to work for a living.

How about you? Will you be dragged kicking and screaming into freedom? Or do you have the courage to take the bull by the horns, dip your toes in, and test the entrepreneur waters?

Regardless, come on in. Leave today’s power-corrupted politicians and their cronies behind. The freedom and free-market waters are just fine.

You too can be a hero by setting an example in the free market. That, in turn, will set the stage for the ascendance of future political champions of liberty and an enduring destiny of freedom, nothing more, nothing less, for all people.


D. Pratt Tseramed, December 21, 2019

Refreshing Libertarian Message? Which Party Do You Trust?

in Activism/Business/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack

Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans? It’s not rocket science. Don’t we know that the Donkeys and Elephants stand for disgusting politics as usual capped off by a two-ring impeachment circus magnified by the corrupt cronyism-riddled traditional media in the pocket of political hacks?

So, who would you trust, a used car salesman or an impeachment-armed political hack? I know, we all make fun of used car salesmen. But can we be honest with each other? Wouldn’t you trust almost anyone, including a used car salesman, more than a political hack playing impeachment games? Doesn’t their political nonsense and impeachment charade remind you of the evil authorities in the ‘Hunger Games’?

Well, let’s see? What butters your bread, puts food on the table, and rewards you with the pride of achievement and the ability to take responsibility for your own welfare? More politics as usual with an impeachment circus as icing on the cake?

What if I were to tell you that the Libertarian Party stands for what means the most to the average citizen beleaguered by Democratic and Republican party hacks who spend our money on political boondoggles like impeachments?

What if I were to tell you that the Libertarian Party’s real strength is not politics as usual but support for the private sector, entrepreneurs, and free markets where folks can earn an honest living and take care of themselves?

Do you agree that the Donkeys and Elephants make it more difficult for you to succeed in the private sector? So who ya gonna call? How about the Libertarian Party gov-buster champions of the free market?

Have political hacks and impeachment circuses ever put food on your table? Wouldn’t you agree that only private-sector free markets offer you the ethical opportunity to rise above wage stagnation and poverty imposed on the rest of us by the political elite? Has it occurred to you that the Libertarian Party is the only party that supports your means of making a living, the private-sector free market?

Will an impeachment a day keep the doctor and political vultures away? No? Who ya gonna call next November? Politics as usual Donkeys and Elephants with their politics as usual and impeachment spectacles, or the Libertarian Party champions of private-sector free markets?


D. Pratt Tseramed, December 19, 2019

Support Your Local Libertarian Media?

in Activism/Free Market/Media/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Support Your Local Libertarian Media Outlet

The underlying issue challenging Libertarian media is the question of what drives politics as usual, the insatiable drive to get elected using political correctness, corruption, cronyism, and every dirty trick in the book just to get in and stay in power. The answer is power. Once out of office, politicians’ power is gone along with the respect accorded to them by the rest of us. Are all Libertarians immune from power lust that is outrageously illustrated by the duopoly?

To me, the constant infighting within the LP raises a red flag, whether it be jockeying for public office nominations or resorting to political correctness to attain internal party positions. Is it just differences over ideology? In my opinion, the infighting, often draped with political correctness, suggests that some Libertarians are more interested in establishing and being part of a Libertarian power structure than they are about putting power politicians out of business.

That conundrum tells me that some serious soul-searching by the LP about their strategy and message is in order and long overdue, just from the perspective of winning elections not to mention furthering freedom.

The traditional media has totally discredited itself in the eyes of jaded, disillusioned, and apathetic voters and those that understandably abstain from voting out of disgust. Kudos to the existing heroes in the liberty-leaning media.

What are you doing to support your local Libertarian media outlet? We need to give the Libertarian media some help with a fresh new message counter to the duopoly politics as usual if we seriously intend to win elections and accelerate the pursuit of freedom. Just establishing another power structure of elected officials with a skin-deep Libertarian veneer will not cut the mustard in terms of achieving freedom.


D. Pratt Tseramed, December 15, 2019

Nation of Sheep or Free Market Heroes?

in Activism/Business/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Nation of Sheep or Free Market Heroes and Heroines?

The following is a continuation of a stimulating dialog with Emily Goldberg, LSLA Secretary, with several edits and additions for clarity:

Emily, I have a higher opinion of mankind. Government and the political process has a way of creating a nation of sheep. A properly tuned LP message focused on the strength of our turf, the private sector and benefits of the free market, will free our nation of sheep.

True, some market leaders gain their nefarious stature through government preferences, bailouts, and so on. We all know who they are. Warren ‘More Bailouts’ Buffet, the ‘Oracle of Omaha’, for one. What a shame that a former astute stock market analyst hero of mine from my home town succumbed to the free lunch temptations of the dark side of progressive economics and politics.

For the sake of transparency, Bill Redpath (long-time LNC At Large and former LNC Chair), my wife Re, and I recently had a group picture taken at Buttet’s Gorats Restaurant in Omaha in front of a life-size image of Warren, a credit to Buffet’s earlier financial accomplishments of hero proportions. I sincerely hope that the significant good side of Warren will see the light.

Unfortunately, as evidenced by Buffet’s Berkshire-Hathaway firm, a large segment of the corporate world is in bed with government. Kudos to corporate leaders who resist that temptation, not to mention all our small business and entrepreneur heroes and heroines who reflect the best of our Libertarian principles.

Emily, expanding on our earlier conversation about heroes, have you thought about the differentiating factor between dubious political heroes and private-sector champions? Could it be the nature of their diverse accomplishments? We all know and admire the achievements of free-market heroes that benefit mankind and raise our standard of living. Politicians, on the other hand, are sadly respected for their aggrandizement in acquiring power over others (the rest of us). From my perspective, power-seekers and power over others is what we Libertarians are supposed to be fighting against.

But political power exists only as long as politicians are in office. Once out of office, their power ceases and the glamour of their power over others rapidly evaporates. Maintaining voter respect for their political power over others is what drives politicians to do whatever is necessary to get reelected, including but not limited to the evils of political correctness, corruption, and cronyism. Politics invariably brings out the worst in us.

Many if not most politicians could care less about the future impact of their corruption and cronyism actions as long as they get reelected in the here and now to maintain their illusory hero status. In economic terms, their focus on short-term power status, available only if they get reelected, represents a high time preference rate. See time preference rate comments in tomes by Hans Hermann Hoppe, including ‘A Short History of Man, Progress and Decline’ and ‘Democracy – the God that Failed’. To summarize, the high time preference rate of politicians is epitomized by their behavior, living for the moment with little interest in saving and investing for the future. After all, it is not their money they are spending at the expense of our freedoms, it is our hard-earned money they so thoughtlessly throw around just to garner votes.

We know that the success of free markets is due to just the opposite, the low time preference rate of saving and investing for the future to maximize not only long-term profits but more important, the benefits to customers and all of mankind that is the overriding motivation for most entrepreneurs and business start-up heroes.

To make a long story short, my abhorrence for power-seeking politics and the cronyism and political correctness required to get elected is why I bypass the political process food fight for power over others and the temporary illusion of hero worship derived from power over others available only while in office. I look to the private sector for the real heroes, the non-politician producers and leaders by example, the motor of the world, who are directly responsible for our well-being and standard of living.

May our Libertarian candidates and political efforts be a reflection of the awesome motivations and achievements of our private-sector free-market heroes. Do you think such a message just might win more elections by differentiating us from duopoly politicians, and, more important, accelerate our quest for freedom, nothing more, nothing less, for all people?


D. Pratt Tseramed, December 14, 2019

Serious Libertarian Candidates?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Are you serious about getting elected?

Libertarian candidates, are you really serious about getting elected?
Are you prepared for the challenges, temptations, opportunities, and consequences?

Are you aware of alternative opportunities that may be even more important as requisite precursors to your political success as a serious Libertarian candidate?

Are you ready to swim with the sharks?

If you are up to the challenge, read on:

Serious Libertarian candidates eschew gaining power over others as they seek to inspire, lead by example, and accomplish real incremental governance reforms that reinforce our freedoms.

Serious Libertarian candidates also understand that getting elected and succeeding in their inspiration and freedom-reform endeavors depends on being a reflection of equally serious Libertarians. motor-of-the-world entrepreneurs, and other earned-lunchers who eschew the free-lunch temptations of gaining power over others in the political arena where our liberty is food for voracious saber-tooth authoritarians, fodder for their cannons, and prey for the ‘Jaws’ of power-hungry politicians.

These equally serious Libertarians choose instead to build our foundation of freedom by working their butts off and competing enthusiastically but fairly in the free market.

Whether free-market competitors or political candidates, serious Libertarians celebrate the fact that successful campaigns and freedom-based political solutions are built on the shoulders of free-market successes, not the other way around.


D. Pratt Tseramed, December 12, 2019

Election Farce: Donkey Shit or Elephant Shit?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack

Are you appalled by the political choice between donkey shit and elephant shit? Are you willing to take an honest look at alternatives?

Does our two-party ‘tyranny of the majority’ election system make things better in the long run? Or is it running our free society and economy into the ground? Why is our hope of freedom being drowned in in a tsunami of electioneering cronyism?

Would you agree that a majority of our citizens are confused, disillusioned, and apathetic? Should those in the liberty movement know better? But what to do? Should we take a step back to see what is actually working despite our dysfunctional election system?

Haven’t economic free markets without elected leaders been a remarkable success over the entire history of mankind? Do free market social relationships dominate most of our personal lives and work just fine, thank you, without destructive interference by elected authorities?

What do most elected leaders do for us in exchange for votes? Tempt us with preferential entitlements? Saddle us with onerous strangling preferential regulations? Steal our money in taxes to fund a parasitic shadow administrative state swarming with legions of highly-paid, inefficient, non-productive bureaucrats who create mountains of oppressive regulations with little or no oversight and are almost impossible to terminate? Use asset forfeiture to feather their own nests? Trumpet xenophobic nationalism that reduces our economic potential by disrupting the free flow of human resources? Tell us we owe our lives to those who refuse to work and that collectives are more important than individuals? Attempt to sell us on prohibition schemes when we know that victim-less behavior prohibitions always fail?

But, some say, what would we do without elected officials to guide us? Really? Can’t we be honest with ourselves? Do elected authorities produce anything beneficial? Or do they just smother our opportunities for freedom, prosperity, and happiness by promulgating wars, economic inefficiency, and social instability with the net result of just making things worse? If you agree, what is the alternative?

Don’t we know intuitively that the enduring success of social and economic relationship free markets has nothing to do with and succeeds in spite of elected authorities? On the other hand, what kind of leaders actually do contribute to the success of free markets? Good heavens, could it be unelected leaders by example who inspire us by using their brains to their fullest productivity capacity and making and keeping commitments?

Hmmm? Maybe the two buttons in this meme should be:


– Or, better yet, AUTHORITYSHIP versus EXAMPLESHIP?

Who will have the courage to stand up for and inspire us with EXAMPLESHIP?

What do you think?

D. Pratt Tseramed, November 30, 2019

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