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Study Shows Wuhan Virus Was Already Adapted To Humans. Escaped From Wuhan Lab? Another Wuhan ‘Woopsie’ Smoking Gun?

in Activism/Health/News/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Study Shows Wuhan Virus Was Already Adapted To Humans. Escaped From Wuhan Lab? Another Wuhan 'Woopsie' Smoking Gun?

Another Wuhan ‘Woopsie’ smoking gun? A recent study shows that Covid-19 was not from animals in Wuhan market. It appears to be a natural virus already adapted to humans, likely escaped from a lab. Virus material was transported from the North Carolina lab to the lab in Wuhan. The article at the following link will help connect the dots.

Evidence of a human engineered virus and malicious release has not been established to date. There are, however, anecdotal discussions on the street of three suspicious cut and paste sections in the genome. I am sure that there has been considerable research on the possibility of virus genome tinkering.

Will research results ever see the light of day? Paraphrasing a recent Cato Institute statement, those who take government scientific studies seriously “need to have their heads examined.”

62 nations are now calling for investigations. China insists that the investigation must be performed by the World Health Organization (WHO). Oh, by the way, Maoist WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom praised CCP handling of the Wuhan ‘Whoopsie’ outbreak.

China has subsequently destroyed all viruses housed in the Wuhan lab ‘as a precaution’. Convenient timing before insisting that investigation of smoking gun evidence by be done only by WHO? Yikes!

It is widely acknowledged that WHO is in bed with Chinese Communists. During a recent televised interview, a WHO representative carelessly refused to answer any questions related to the pandemic status in Taiwan for the obvious reason that the Chinese Communists do not recognize Taiwan.

WHO and their Director General Tedros Adhanom clearly are a puppet organization at the behest of the CCP. Those who take WHO investigations seriously need to have their heads examined.

We now know that WHO and Chinese Communists hid the Wuhan outbreak for over two critical months. China used aggressive disinformation to discount the seriousness of outbreak while allowing thousands of infected Covid-19 carriers to travel around the world.

First China said that the virus came from US, then they changed their story and claimed it came from Italy, and more recently they said it came from France.

Consistent with the Socialist dictum of ‘ends justifies means’, Chinese Communists have lied about the Wuhan outbreak right out of the gate, resulting in the early failure to contain the spread and subsequent hundreds of thousand of unnecessary preventable tragic deaths. The CCP and WHO are still lying and aggressively spreading disinformation about both the first and second outbreak waves in China.



The next step is to follow the money trail and the transport of virus material from US to the Wuhan science facility that may have been guilty of sloppy lab practices. In addition to the documented $3.7 million illegal transfer to Wuhan lab by Dr. Anthony Fauci, what was Fauci’s role in virus transfers from US Dietrich Lab in North Caroline to the Wuhan lab?

As a matter of public record, we know that Fauci fingerprints are all over the Wuhan lab. On national TV for all to see, Fauci (and Bill ‘Depopulation’ Gates) defended the WHO and Chinese Communist handling of the Wuhan outbreak. And WHO, of course, could not say enough good things about China’s response to the Wuhan outbreak. Duh! It does not a rocket scientist to connect the dots.

Breaking news, China has sacked officials after a second Covid-19 outbreak despite draconian lockdowns. Following the time honored ‘ends justifies means’ Socialist ideological tradition, Chinese Communists have lied in the past, are lying now, and will lie in the future. Disinformation continues to be aggressively disseminated by the CCP and WHO.

Echoing Dr. Ron Paul, disinformation continues to proliferate from the mouths of US health agency heads. What does that suggest about Fauci and Bill ‘Depopulation’ Gates who have openly defended WHO and Chinese Communist for their handling of the Wuhan outbreak?

Folks, how much pandemic carnage are you willing to put up with until we put the smoking gun Covid-19 US pandemic mishandling and disinformation controversy to bed to prevent the US health agencies from doing even more catastrophic damage.


D. Pratt Tseramed, May 20, 2020, 402-493-0873

Vaccine Conspiracy – Fact Or Fiction – Smoke But Is There A Fire? If True, Consequences For Mankind?

in Activism/Information/News/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Vaccine Conspiracy - Fact Or Fiction - Smoke But Is There A Fire? If True, Consequences For Mankind?

I am not a fan of conspiracy theories. Occam’s Razor favors simple models. However, the pieces are starting to fit together. A lot of smoke but is there a fire?

Is Dr. Anthony Fauci “the Bernie Madoff of Science”, as alleged in this 26-minute video? How about Robert Redfield of the CDC?

If you clicked on the link above you received the following message: “This video has been removed for violating YouTubes’s Community Guideline”. This should give you a clue as to the length that the perpetrators and their government cronies are willing to go to to cover up their crimes.

Folks, this is serious stuff that government is flexing their cover-up muscles on. You can add YouTube and Facebook to the list of bad guys in the meme above. However, their complicity prompts me to insert the rogue’s gallery meme at the following link. If Facebook invalidates this link, I will forward it to you upon request:

The meme at the link above does not mention any names of persons, just organizational acronyms with no obscenity, and just normal head shots of a sordid assortment of strange bedfellows in the pandemic vaccine arena. I should add YouTube and Facebook to the meme but they are just indirect government social media lapdogs not otherwise associated with the pandemic vaccine controversy.

Where does Bill Gates fit into this picture with his vaccine, vaccine tracking, and depopulation agenda in alliance with Dr. Fauci, FDA, CDC, and the discredited World Health Organization who are obviously in bed with the Chinese Communists.

Hmmm. Dr. Fauci is on the board of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates has contributed large sums to the FDA and CDC. Why?

This is scary stuff. If true, Fauci, Redfield, and government agency criminal behavior have caused tragic health consequences that make the Mafia and drug cartels look like choir boys.

Talk about being desensitized to moral issues! If a fraction of this video is true, it should be prosecutable criminal behavior on the scale of genocide and crimes against humanity.

Can we trust Congress to ferret out the truth before pandemics and FDA/CDC ‘Death by Regulation” destroy our health, our economy, and our way of life? We shall see.







See what conclusions you come to. If you are as concerned as I am about how this video relates to the Covid-19 pandemic, feel free to share this video. In the midst of a severe pandemic, how promptly we handle this alleged threat literally represents life or death for hundreds of thousands if not millions of people.


D. Pratt Tseramed, May 8, 2020, 402-493-0873






The subsequent “Plandemic” debunking post strikes me as authorities scrambling to sanitize their reputations with cover-up spin-doctoring.

I have noticed 4 kinds of responses to the conspiracy and debunking posts:

1. True believers who are prone to falling for every conspiracy theory – on the fringe

2. True believers who are prone to falling for anything that authorities say – truly dangerous

3. Those who could care less or can’t be bothered – understandable but ignorance is bliss can be just as dangerous

4. Rational skeptics who intuitively consider the big picture and take time for due diligence to fill in gaps

I believe that understanding the big picture requires evaluation of both actions and motives (Ludwig von Mises, Praxeology – study of human action and decision-making, the broader definition of Economics).


Macho Man Covid-19 Optics Best Way For LP To Win Voters And Recruits?

in Activism/News/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Macho Man Covid-19 optics best way to win LP voters and recruits?

I appreciate the spirit and enthusiasm behind macho statements about heroic Libertarian defiance of the Covid-19 disease. These bravely spoken chest-thumping comments, however, remind me of the lyrics to the song ‘Macho Man’ by The Village People:

Macho in the eyes of some may strike voters and potential Libertarian recruits as insensitive foolishness at best.

See this thought-provoking video by Arvin Vohra on the moral issue of excluding higher risk delegates and attendees from a physical convention, not to mention bad optics for the LP.

Posted by Arvin Vohra on Saturday, May 2, 2020

After all the hard work put in by the COC and others on this convention, why take moral and optic shortcuts now?

If the LNC is going to lead by example, the ten day delay might provide a window of opportunity for soul searching as to personal motives for ignoring practical priorities and moral imperatives and ways to save face before we are stuck with a June or July physical or hybrid convention that could easily be canceled due to causes outside our control.

If June or July physical or hybrid convention is canceled, what then? Punt? Better to go with a May virtual Zoom LNC/state delegation chair convention that will maximize delegation participation, campaign length, and ballot access, with ZERO, I repeat, ZERO CANCELLATION RISK.

Here are the practical priorities and moral imperatives as I see it:

1. Health safety is a moral imperative and an opportunity for the LP to set an example

2. Accommodation of voting rights for ALL delegates, including those with health issues or concerns that limit attendance options is a moral imperative. This will be an ongoing issue that will have to be resolved in the future with or without pandemics.

Like it or not, virtual meetings will increase delegate participation in votes. If we limit ourselves to physical conventions, it will not bode well for the future of the Libertarian Party.

Electronic meeting technical difficulties MIGHT compromise a few delegates votes. However, a physical non-hybrid convention will DEFINITELY eliminate far more delegate votes through inability to attend.

3. Early selection of candidates and LNC/Judicial Committee members will allow candidates to promptly launch campaigns and leave us with a fully functioning LNC and legitimized Judicial Committee. Both committees are faced with challenging times ahead.

4. 50-state ballot access risk will build if we miss a Memorial Day virtual meeting opportunity for LNC members and state delegation chairs

5. Limiting conventions to physical events will skew votes by age, health, wealth, and random happenstance preventing physical attendance, and could open the door to disruptive and detrimental shenanigans made possible by skewed attendance.

Today’s vote to postpone convention decisions for ten days is not all bad. The door is left open for further due diligence and soul-searching that may increase the likelihood of wise decisions. Today’s vote is a second chance for Libertarian leaders to shine.


D. Pratt Tseramed, May 2, 2020

Chinese Roulette? House Majority W.H.O. Funding Cut Probe Aids And Abets ChiComs? Who Should House Be Investigating?

in Activism/Media/News/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Chinese Roulette? House majority W.H.O. funding cut probe aids and abets ChiComs?

Today members of the U.S. House of Representatives majority thoroughly disgraced themselves by initiating a World Health Organization (W.H.O.) funding cut probe despite W.H.O. disinformation that killed thousands of innocent victims while Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci defended W.H.O. and Chinese Communist pandemic response.

The House majority probe reeks of political partisanship. Worse yet, the probe infers house majority support for W.H.O. and Chinese Communists. It is just as plain as the nose on your face that W.H.O. and their Maoist Directory General Tedros Adhanom are in bed with the Chinese Communists.

Would you vote for a party and their candidates who support the World Health Organization and Chinese Communists while we suffer under the W.H.O. recommended world economy lockdown and Chinese Communists continue their ‘ends justifies means’ bald-faced lies about China pandemic data and take advantage of the world economy lockdown to rebuild their own economy?

Are you as outraged as I am? Does politics as usual bring out the worst in us?

What party offers social tolerance and the freedom to determine your own destiny, instead of playing Chinese roulette with our economy and the lives of thousands of innocent victims?


D. Pratt Tseramed, April 28, 2020

China Says All Wuhan Virus Patients Discharged – Only 6,000 Virus Deaths in China – Travel To Wuhan?

in Activism/News/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
China says? Do you believe?

Have you passed the Chinese Communist ‘Ends Justifies Means’ gullibility test before finalizing travel plans to Wuhan?

Are you considering Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, and W.H.O. Director General Tedros Adhanom as guides for your journey with gullible W.H.O. apologist U.S. celebrity travel companions?

Keep the following article in mind when you judge the institutional authoritarian motive for the trackable vaccines project being pushed by W.H.O. defender Bill Gates:…/Now-not-time-Bill-Gates-defen…

Chinese Communist counterattack:…/

Who do you believe?


D. Pratt Tseramed, April 27, 2020

NEBREXIT, Secession-lite Movement To Establish Nebraska As A Legal Nullification Sanctuary From Big Brother

in Activism/Information/News/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
NEBR*EXIT secession-lite Nebraska legal nullification sanctuary to get Big Brother's attention.

Building on the success of BREXIT, Britain’s secession from the European Union, today a new movement is born in the ‘colonies’.

Welcome to NEBREXIT (pronounced Nee*BREXIT), or NEBR*EXIT (Nebraska Exit) to make the nomenclature more explicit.

Link to the brand-spanking new NebrExit Facebook page:

There is nothing like the threat of secession to get the attention of Big Brother.

The first step is to float the idea of creating a secession-lite legal sanctuary in the state of Nebraska where we decide which federal regulations we will honor and which we will nullify, similar to jury nullification.

Will this lead to a sovereign free state of Nebraska? Hard to say, but the more important issue is the need to reverse the accelerating growth trend of Big Brother.

Despite heroic efforts of freedom seekers in Nebraska and elsewhere, we are still hurtling out of control in the wrong direction toward mud-hut Socialism, poverty, misery and conformity.

A fresh localization effort is needed to point the needle back toward freedom.

Let’s think outside the box on how to leverage an NEBREXIT movement to put us back on the roads to freedom, nothing more, nothing less, for all people IN OUR LIFETIMES.


D. Pratt Tseramed, April 23, 2020

$128 Million U.S. Celebrity Fundraiser for World Health Organization (W.H.O.) Headed By Communist Tedros Adhanom WHO (Pun Intended) Is In Bed With Chinese Communists

in Activism/Free Market/Information/Media/News/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Do you still admire and trust U.S. Celebrities after $128 million fundraiser for World Health Organization (W.H.O.) in bed with Chinese Communists?

Are you shocked by $128 million celebrity fundraiser for World Health Organization (W.H.O.) openly in bed with Chinese Communists while Covid-19 deaths continue to mount as a result of W.H.O. and Chinese Communist lack of transparency and disinformation?

If you are considering using economic and social ostracism to counter advocacy of Chinese Communist agenda by celebrities and other WHO apologists like Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci, see some of the contact names below.

Quote from Axios website:

“The star-studded Lady Gaga-curated fundraising event “One World: Together at Home” raised $127.9 million for the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO and $72.8 million for local and regional responders, organizer Global Citizen said in a statement early Sunday.

Saturday’s online event honoring and celebrating those on the front lines of the fight against the novel coronavirus was broadcast worldwide and billed as the biggest concert since the 1985’s Live Aid, watched by 1.9 billion people.

Former first ladies Laura Bush and Michelle Obama were among more than 70 artists and celebrities to take part from their homes.

The event was broadcast live on TV from 8 p.m. ET and most leading streaming services, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Twitter, Apple and Amazon Prime Video.

Other big names included Taylor Swift, Elton John, Lizzo, Billie Eilish, Celine Dion and The Rolling Stones. Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon were hosting the virtual event.”

Google Search:

“Global Citizen is a movement of engaged citizens who are using their collective voice to end extreme poverty by 2030. Through our mix of content and events, grassroots organizing, and our action platform, we are building a movement to end poverty.”

My question: Is the Global Citizen agenda to end poverty or make poverty much worse via smoke and mirrors advocacy for the W.H.O. and Chinese Communist agenda?

This event raised $128 million for WHO’s Chinese Communist advocacy and $73 for “local and regional responders”.

I leave it to your judgement as to what is really going on and the obvious threat to our economy, principles, and freedoms.


D. Pratt Tseramed, April 20, 2020

Libertarian Presidential Candidate Releases Resolution To Declare Fourth Amendment Sanctuary

in News/Politics
Privacy Rights

Libertarian Candidate for President Ben Leder is calling for people
to establish Fourth Amendment Sanctuaries across America.

On Christmas Eve 2019 Ben Leder published the following resolution to his website calling upon his supporters to take action.


WHEREAS, it is the desire of the __________ County Commissioners Court to declare its support of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Texas Constitution Art 1 Sec 9 protecting citizens inalienable rights

WHEREAS, the members of __________ County Commissioners took an oath to support and defend the United States Constitution, the Constitution of the State of Texas and laws of the State of Texas (insofar as they are constitutional), and,

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners Court of the County of ____________ by the authority granted to the Commissioners by the laws of the State of Texas that this commissioners court will defend the citizens rights and liberties, which are guaranteed by the United States and Texas Constitutions.In addition:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Commissioners Court affirms its support for the duly elected Sheriff of __________ County, Texas in the exercise of his sound discretion. We also affirm our resolve to support decisions by our Sheriff to not enforce any unconstitutional firearms laws against any citizen.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Commissioners Court will not authorize or appropriate government funds, resources, employees, agencies, contractors, buildings, detention centers or offices for the purpose of enforcing law that unconstitutionally infringes on the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, vehicles and transportation devices, effects, papers, physical or electronic possessions, and the communications, and transmissions, and the transportation thereof from all unreasonable seizures, searches, or surveillance.”

I designed this as a template custom tailored for Texas Counties, however it can easily be modified for use in other States by citing the relevant articles from your States Constitution in conjunction with the US Constitution.

Ben Leder – December 24th 2019

Hoping for the best is not enough to secure ourselves and future generations from tyranny, I’m asking you to join the fight to reclaim the rights your ancestors fought a revolution for, I’m asking you to join the fight in your very own backyards and run for local office to restore and defend the rights of all.

I’m asking you to join the fight to declare your county a Fourth Amendment Sanctuary…

Ben Leder

NH State Rep. Max Abramson Switches To Libertarian Party

in News

In a statement recently released on social media, New Hampshire State Representative Max Abramson announced he had formally changed his official party registration to the Libertarian Party.

“For the second time, I am changing my official party registration from Republican to Libertarian. Running for legislature on a platform of returning money, power, and decision making back down to the local level, I gave the Republican Party a second chance to make good on campaign rhetoric of downsizing state government. Instead, they are continuing to spend 95% of what the Democrats are spending and do not always support less red tape and bureaucracy. I simply support less government and more freedom and will be promoting the only large political party that advocates for this philosophy.”

Representative Max Abramson

Representative Max Abramson is also rumored to have recently announced an exploratory committee laying the groundwork for a potential Libertarian Presidential Campaign.

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