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When Do Politicians Get Rich? Vote Instead With Your Wallet in the Free Market?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
When did the politician get rich? Before elected or while in office?

Next November, who will you vote for?

1. A billionaire turned politician?

2. A politician who got rich while in office?

The way I look at it, a billionaire turned politician can be good or bad. Most politicians are bad, but a politician who gets rich while in office raises a huge red flag.

I don’t know about you, but I prefer to leave the politicians to their own devices and out-compete the authoritarian bastards and their government social service monopolies by building better competitive social services in the free market where we don’t have to elect corruptible power-seeking representatives.

Free markets are the only true direct democracies where we vote with our wallets and win-win mutually-beneficial agreements in trillions of transactions every day. Ever wonder why free markets have never failed over the entire history of mankind while even the best governments typically fail in less than 200 years? Hmmm.

The U.S. is approaching its 250th birthday. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to read between the lines and see that we are accelerating toward bankruptcy, mud-hut socialist conformity, and misery punctuated by endless wars and violence.

I support political candidates, especially if they are independently wealthy, as long as they are champions of freedom and free markets. However, except for one third party, champions of freedom are harder to find than a needle in a haystack. Billionaires enriched by being in bed with government are thicker than fleas and easy to find under every crony blanket.

Politics brings out the worst in us, especially in our elected officials and their appointed cronies. Nevertheless, we have a golden opportunity to set the stage for a freedom political solution by first putting government social service monopolies out of business.

The door is wide open as government monopolies fall all over themselves to price their coercive social services out of business. Following the repeal of the individual mandate, Obamacare has rapidly become an economic eyesore and is being out-competed by higher-quality cash-basis healthcare at a fraction of the cost.

Obamacare promised to cutt premiums in half. Guess what, premiums doubled. Yikes! The good news is that the painful failures of government social services have opened the door to better competitive private-sector solutions.

Other government social service monopolies are persistently following suit on the economic failure of Obamacare. the failing monopolies include the public education cartel, social entitlements, the military, drug-war and immigration law enforcement, courts of law, NASA, and regulatory agencies, just to name a few.

Fellow freedom lovers and entrepreneurs, the window of opportunity is wide open to achieve personal success and build a robust free-market economy that will benefit everyone, including corrupt officials as we either help them clean up their acts or boot their butts back into the private sector where they will have to work for a living.

How about you? Will you be dragged kicking and screaming into freedom? Or do you have the courage to take the bull by the horns, dip your toes in, and test the entrepreneur waters?

Regardless, come on in. Leave today’s power-corrupted politicians and their cronies behind. The freedom and free-market waters are just fine.

You too can be a hero by setting an example in the free market. That, in turn, will set the stage for the ascendance of future political champions of liberty and an enduring destiny of freedom, nothing more, nothing less, for all people.


D. Pratt Tseramed, December 21, 2019

Election Farce: Donkey Shit or Elephant Shit?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack

Are you appalled by the political choice between donkey shit and elephant shit? Are you willing to take an honest look at alternatives?

Does our two-party ‘tyranny of the majority’ election system make things better in the long run? Or is it running our free society and economy into the ground? Why is our hope of freedom being drowned in in a tsunami of electioneering cronyism?

Would you agree that a majority of our citizens are confused, disillusioned, and apathetic? Should those in the liberty movement know better? But what to do? Should we take a step back to see what is actually working despite our dysfunctional election system?

Haven’t economic free markets without elected leaders been a remarkable success over the entire history of mankind? Do free market social relationships dominate most of our personal lives and work just fine, thank you, without destructive interference by elected authorities?

What do most elected leaders do for us in exchange for votes? Tempt us with preferential entitlements? Saddle us with onerous strangling preferential regulations? Steal our money in taxes to fund a parasitic shadow administrative state swarming with legions of highly-paid, inefficient, non-productive bureaucrats who create mountains of oppressive regulations with little or no oversight and are almost impossible to terminate? Use asset forfeiture to feather their own nests? Trumpet xenophobic nationalism that reduces our economic potential by disrupting the free flow of human resources? Tell us we owe our lives to those who refuse to work and that collectives are more important than individuals? Attempt to sell us on prohibition schemes when we know that victim-less behavior prohibitions always fail?

But, some say, what would we do without elected officials to guide us? Really? Can’t we be honest with ourselves? Do elected authorities produce anything beneficial? Or do they just smother our opportunities for freedom, prosperity, and happiness by promulgating wars, economic inefficiency, and social instability with the net result of just making things worse? If you agree, what is the alternative?

Don’t we know intuitively that the enduring success of social and economic relationship free markets has nothing to do with and succeeds in spite of elected authorities? On the other hand, what kind of leaders actually do contribute to the success of free markets? Good heavens, could it be unelected leaders by example who inspire us by using their brains to their fullest productivity capacity and making and keeping commitments?

Hmmm? Maybe the two buttons in this meme should be:


– Or, better yet, AUTHORITYSHIP versus EXAMPLESHIP?

Who will have the courage to stand up for and inspire us with EXAMPLESHIP?

What do you think?

D. Pratt Tseramed, November 30, 2019

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