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Are They Disarming You For Your Own Good Or Just To Save Their Own Skins From Fed Up Citizens?

in Activism/Free Market/Media/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Disarming you for your own good or saving their own skins from disillusioned citizens?

What was the explicit reason that our liberty-leaning founders declared as the purpose for the second amendment right to bear arms? Isn’t the silence deafening on the part of our esteemed leaders in response to this question? Didn’t our founding forefathers explicitly state that first imperative for the right to bear arms is to protect ourselves from tyrannical governments?

What are the top ten commandments of tyrannical institutional authoritarian governments?

What is the first thing that tyrannical governments do? Violate the second amendment by disarming us?

What is the second thing that tyrannical governments do? Tax the hell out of us to fund their monopoly over the use of force?

What is the third thing that tyrannical governments do? Tell us that they are disarming and taxing us for our own good and the good of the economy, while conveniently avoiding the fact that disarming us is really for their own good to save their own skins from disillusioned citizens?

Now that government has partially succeeded in disarming us and selectively impoverished us through taxes, what is the fourth thing that tyrannical governments do? Do they stifle our first amendment right to free speech threatening us with force using their monopoly over arms and subjecting us to legal, tax, and regulatory harassment? Exclude us from selective preferences offered only to those who go along with their rights violations and use free-lunch entitlements as bait? Jail us at a world-leading incarceration rate based on invented or victim-less ‘crimes’? Use asset forfeiture, when they can get away with it, to expand their power and feather their own nests?

What is the fifth thing that tyrannical governments do? Jump at every opportunity to get involved in long-winded foreign entanglements? Tax the hell out of us to fund their wars and that require lucrative incentives for military slavery, but with the real underlying intent to gloss over their economic and leadership failures?

What is the sixth thing that tyrannical governments do? Impose protectionist regulations, subsidies, and tariffs that favor their cronies and strangle our economy while they ‘fiddle while Rome burns’ and maximize their own personal wealth with no thought to the future and damage to our economy, society, and way of life?

What is the seventh thing that tyrannical governments do? Use xenophobic nationalism to fuel populist support for blatantly protectionist violations of individual rights?

What is the eighth thing that tyrannical governments do? Leave our society vulnerable to fascist and socialist inroads and the associated threat of dictatorship by promoting class warfare, xenophobia, racial divisiveness, insular protectionist economics, and pitting all of us against each other in the food fight for crony preferences pandered in exchange for political support and votes?

What is the ninth thing that tyrannical governments do? Implement pervasive paranoid privacy invasions enabled by disarming us at every turn with the unspoken motive of protecting their own skins from disgruntled fed-up citizens?

What is the tenth thing that tyrannical governments do? Have the audacity and effrontery to tell us that the above nine commandments are necessary for our own good and represent a pure-hearted altruistic expression of their self-sacrifice for the good of all? Yikes?

Friends, do you buy into the above ten tyrannical government commandments? Is there anything that governments can do for us that we can’t do better for ourselves voluntarily in the private sector or commercially in the free market? Have you too come to the illuminating conclusion that governments have ALWAYS existed for the benefit of those who govern?

If you do not buy into the ten commandments of institutional authoritarian tyrannical government, is now the time for you to personally make a New Decade’s Resolution?

In 2020, are you ready to take the bull by the horns and reject all the evil facets of tyrannical government, starting with the defeat or repeal of all gun laws that disarm innocent victims?


D. Pratt Tseramed, January 1, 2020

Announcing Freedom Magazine’s First Amendment Free Speech Candidate Forum

in Activism/Candidate/Opinion/Politics

Have you wondered about Freedom Magazine’s editorial position on first amendment free speech rights? Read on.

In the spirit of transparency, the staff of Freedom Magazine has a decidedly radical Libertarian flavor. However, Freedom Magazine was conceived as a voice for free speech within the limits of common decency and collegiality.

We are opening our doors to candidate submissions not only from the Libertarian Party but from all political parties. Censorship is not our nature. We join our readers in the desire to learn from opposing views.

The purpose of the forum is to be a megaphone for the voices of a wide range of candidates limited only by a few common sense constraints detailed in the following paragraphs.

We will, however, out of logistical necessity, filter articles based on standards that take into account the level of originality, innovation, and outside-the-box thinking. We will be looking for thoughtful advances to policy, philosophy, economics, and governance, regardless of whether we agree with the candidate’s positions.

We emphatically welcome diverse points of view presented sincerely. Ad hominem attacks on other candidates will be rejected. Xenophobia and blatant ‘ends justifies means’ propaganda will be discouraged. Due diligence support of arguments will be encouraged.

Submissions should focus on your voice and what you, the candidate, have to offer. Transparency and willingness to look at other points of view will be embraced with open arms.

Again, welcome to the Freedom Magazine candidate forum. We challenge you to enlighten our readers. Submissions can be sent to until a candidate forum email address is announced.

Yours truly may be part of the review process but will forward your submissions to other members of our remote staff for their review. Realistically, most of the review process will focus on format suggestions to pass on to the candidate before publication.

Submission length is somewhat flexible, roughly between 250 and 1000 words. Although yours truly is not noted for missive brevity, concise articles will be appreciated and may increase readership of your submissions.

Associated memes are not required but are strongly encouraged given our online format. Your text is most important but a picture is worth a thousand words and will increase the impact of your submission. Our editorial staff can help with meme generator suggestions.

To repeat, please submit your candidate articles via email to

Submissions will be prioritized first come first serve subject to relative evaluation rankings based on innovative and thoughtful content. All things being equal, first come first serve will be given first consideration, particularly on articles with commensurate rankings.

Evaluation rankings will not be biased based on political affiliation. The editorial staff may respond to specific points with an op-ed dedicated to a specific topic, but that is not the purpose of the candidate forum.

The candidate forum is designed explicitly to be a first amendment voice for candidates, not the editorial staff who have other forums and columns available to them to voice their ideas and opinions. We will welcome and learn from the diversity of your candidate submissions.

Non-candidate articles on a variety of topics to supplement our resident staff columns will also be welcomed with open arms within the common sense constraints delineated above. More to come as we expand our authoring options.

Freedom Magazine is the first amendment free speech voice for your definition of liberty!


David Pratt Demarest, December 22, 2019

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