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in Activism/Free Market/Information/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack

Quote from my post in ‘LNC – Business Discuss’ [with minor wordsmithing for clarity] in response to comments by Marc Montoni (LPRC 3rd iteration Co-founder ) and others regarding the chart showing LP committee staffing and appointment details/responsibilities posted by Nicholas Sarwark, LP Chair.

Three points:

1. Chair model:

Regardless of the strengths or shortcomings of strong or weak chair models, both models exist in an elective top-down political structure with all its democratic blessings and cronyism-prone faults. Hmmm. Top-down institutional authoritarian structure has not worked well for our tyranny of the majority government in the long run. Perhaps we need to look beyond the chair model and examine the underlying structure to determine faults and solutions.

2. Stepping back from emotions:

Many of us had the unfortunate opportunity to watch all of the LNC meetings, practice sessions, and the virtual convention. I believe the LNC meetings and the virtual convention were recorded. Personally, I am certainly glad that the more vocal LNC members and the rampaging, er, wise and professional majority of delegates stepped back from their emotions and made well considered thoughtful decisions (facetiously speaking).

Obviously, observations about who exhibited emotional behavior are subjective. However, my stomach is not up to watching the embarrassing replays. Once was enough. The evidence I saw was pretty clear and reminiscent of the stripper disruption during the 2016 LP national convention in Orlando. The same evidence was witnessed by many if not most of the delegates. They may want to watch the recordings again to refresh their memories.

3. Role of emotions:

Emotions are a critical part of our makeup. Emotions, appropriately used, are an effective early warning system to alert the brain about incoming information that may require engaging the brain and our self-aware rational capacity to perform objective analysis and design and implement solutions to address, mitigate, or build on the objective conclusions. Despite occasional emergency snap decisions that can be prepared for in advance, substituting emotions for the rational brain process rarely works well.

Emotions also play a critical feedback role to celebrate successes of our rational brain processes and actions. Unfortunately, ConventionGate provides little opportunity for celebration but presents ample opportunities to learn from mistakes. We shall see on the latter. The future of the LP may depend on it.


Personally, I think the chair model and bylaws/RONR debates are the least of our problems. Obviously, Covid-19 was a significant contributor to our ConventionGate debacle. The LP had and may still have an opportunity to lead by example in comparison to our duopoly political neighbors during the Covid-19 pandemic.

We are stuck with our top-down elective structure for the time being. Are we capable of rising above our structural faults? ConventionGate was not a good start. How will we conclude this ugly LP chapter? Time will tell.

My personal emotional and objective reactions to ConventionGate:

My, how politics brings out the best in us. Well, that’s not very honest, is it? Let me rephrase. My, how top-down emotionally driven politics brings out the worst in us [insert “upchuck”].

My objective and emotional response concerns include how potential LP candidates and members will react to this sorry spectacle.

Of even more concern to me is the reaction of existing members. Some may react by excluding or expelling various factions they disagree with using a skewed non-hybrid second sitting in a fit of un-Libertarian-like opportunism or spite. Others may give up the ghost of liberty in this current snapshot of the LP and move on to more freedom friendly homes focused on our free market home turf.

My gosh, how did the words “Liberty”, “Freedom”, and “Free Market” creep into this political discussion?




D. Pratt Tseramed, June 11, 2020
David.Demarest@R2FF.org, 402-493-0873

Study Shows Wuhan Virus Was Already Adapted To Humans. Escaped From Wuhan Lab? Another Wuhan ‘Woopsie’ Smoking Gun?

in Activism/Health/News/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Study Shows Wuhan Virus Was Already Adapted To Humans. Escaped From Wuhan Lab? Another Wuhan 'Woopsie' Smoking Gun?

Another Wuhan ‘Woopsie’ smoking gun? A recent study shows that Covid-19 was not from animals in Wuhan market. It appears to be a natural virus already adapted to humans, likely escaped from a lab. Virus material was transported from the North Carolina lab to the lab in Wuhan. The article at the following link will help connect the dots.


Evidence of a human engineered virus and malicious release has not been established to date. There are, however, anecdotal discussions on the street of three suspicious cut and paste sections in the genome. I am sure that there has been considerable research on the possibility of virus genome tinkering.

Will research results ever see the light of day? Paraphrasing a recent Cato Institute statement, those who take government scientific studies seriously “need to have their heads examined.”

62 nations are now calling for investigations. China insists that the investigation must be performed by the World Health Organization (WHO). Oh, by the way, Maoist WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom praised CCP handling of the Wuhan ‘Whoopsie’ outbreak.

China has subsequently destroyed all viruses housed in the Wuhan lab ‘as a precaution’. Convenient timing before insisting that investigation of smoking gun evidence by be done only by WHO? Yikes!

It is widely acknowledged that WHO is in bed with Chinese Communists. During a recent televised interview, a WHO representative carelessly refused to answer any questions related to the pandemic status in Taiwan for the obvious reason that the Chinese Communists do not recognize Taiwan.

WHO and their Director General Tedros Adhanom clearly are a puppet organization at the behest of the CCP. Those who take WHO investigations seriously need to have their heads examined.

We now know that WHO and Chinese Communists hid the Wuhan outbreak for over two critical months. China used aggressive disinformation to discount the seriousness of outbreak while allowing thousands of infected Covid-19 carriers to travel around the world.

First China said that the virus came from US, then they changed their story and claimed it came from Italy, and more recently they said it came from France.

Consistent with the Socialist dictum of ‘ends justifies means’, Chinese Communists have lied about the Wuhan outbreak right out of the gate, resulting in the early failure to contain the spread and subsequent hundreds of thousand of unnecessary preventable tragic deaths. The CCP and WHO are still lying and aggressively spreading disinformation about both the first and second outbreak waves in China.



The next step is to follow the money trail and the transport of virus material from US to the Wuhan science facility that may have been guilty of sloppy lab practices. In addition to the documented $3.7 million illegal transfer to Wuhan lab by Dr. Anthony Fauci, what was Fauci’s role in virus transfers from US Dietrich Lab in North Caroline to the Wuhan lab?

As a matter of public record, we know that Fauci fingerprints are all over the Wuhan lab. On national TV for all to see, Fauci (and Bill ‘Depopulation’ Gates) defended the WHO and Chinese Communist handling of the Wuhan outbreak. And WHO, of course, could not say enough good things about China’s response to the Wuhan outbreak. Duh! It does not a rocket scientist to connect the dots.

Breaking news, China has sacked officials after a second Covid-19 outbreak despite draconian lockdowns. Following the time honored ‘ends justifies means’ Socialist ideological tradition, Chinese Communists have lied in the past, are lying now, and will lie in the future. Disinformation continues to be aggressively disseminated by the CCP and WHO.

Echoing Dr. Ron Paul, disinformation continues to proliferate from the mouths of US health agency heads. What does that suggest about Fauci and Bill ‘Depopulation’ Gates who have openly defended WHO and Chinese Communist for their handling of the Wuhan outbreak?

Folks, how much pandemic carnage are you willing to put up with until we put the smoking gun Covid-19 US pandemic mishandling and disinformation controversy to bed to prevent the US health agencies from doing even more catastrophic damage.


D. Pratt Tseramed, May 20, 2020
David.Demarest@R2FF.org, 402-493-0873

Why Is LNC Acting Like Trump At A Press Conference? Are Otherwise Good LNC Members Saddled With The Wrong Purpose?

in Activism/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Why Is LNC Acting Like Trump At A Press Conference? Are Otherwise Good LNC Members Saddled With The Wrong Purpose?

We have a wealth of talented, professional, and good people on the Libertarian National Committee. What in the world is driving them to act like an out of control Donald Trump at a press conference? How can we help them get through this with the Libertarian Party intact?

Let’s take a deep breath, step back, and reflect rationally on what might be behind this out of character behavior.

To start with, LNC members are under a huge burden of stress with the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting need to reschedule and relocate the 2020 national convention. But LNC members normally handle crises well. What else could explain their out of character behavior.

Are convention rescheduling concerns and blaming leadership for proposed convention options a legitimate justification for their out of character behavior or a convenient cop out? I leave that for the reader to judge. Regardless, how can we help them get through it?

It may be more productive to examine other possible causes than might suggest constructive solutions. However, before we get to solutions, here are some additional mitigating circumstance to consider.

First, does politics as usual bring out the worst in us? Absolutely, in my opinion. However, given the explicit political nature of our organization, that is a problem that will not go away and we must counter by applying Libertarian principles. The reality is that most human actions have a political element under the hood. How we channel our political behavior is another matter.

Second, is the LNC authoritarian top-down structure also a cause for dysfunction? Yes, in my opinion. However, we are stuck with a top-down structure as long as the LNC is an elective body.

The LNC, like most political party national committees, is made up entirely of elected members. The LNC includes officers, At Large members, regional representatives, and regional alternates, all elected by national convention delegates. The LNC is by definition a top-down structure. Whether it is an authoritarian top-down structure is open to debate. My assessment is that all top-down structures are authoritarian by design and typically but not necessarily in practice.

There is no simple way to change the LNC top-down nature, which flies in the face of my understanding that the purpose of the Libertarian movement is to fight top-down institutional authoritarianism at every turn. Regardless, there is no choice today but to accept the political nature and top-down structure and commit to circumventing those limitations if the LNC is to succeed in achieving the Libertarian goal of freedom.

Given that the LNC is saddled with a political nature and top-down structure, what facet of the LNC structure can the LNC control? Perhaps the operational purpose? That begs the question: Are you willing to consider the possibility that the LNC’s function is not appropriately purposed?

Perhaps looking at LNC strengths and weaknesses would be a useful method to analyze the possible issue of the LNC being mispurposed. What strengths and weaknesses can we distill from the LNC’s top-down structure and diversity of elected representative views and purposes?

First, here are specific LNC weaknesses that are outside their control:

The elective structure and diverse views and purposes present considerable challenges that are outside LNC control. As a restult, the LNC has considerable difficulty agreeing on what to do, why to do it, how to do it, when to do it, and how to pay for it, all of which are preconditions to getting stuff done successfully. This inherent weakness is difficult to avoid in a top-down political structure.

Another weakness outside LNC control is the fact that the LNC is NOT an organization composed of individuals who volunteer to work together based on a comprehensive list of shared views and purposes as is the case with volunteer projects.

The LNC is an elective body whose individual members are theoretically expected to reflect the will of the majority of the constituents they represent despite the wide range of diverse views and purposes of their constituents, not to mention minorities whom they also are supposed to represent but in name only because the minorities differ from the majority with their own set of diverse views and purposes.

Unfortunately, the LNC is stuck with elective representative top-down structure weaknesses that are outside their control and limit their ability to get stuff done. Further, the top-down structure fosters passing the buck on responsibilities and stifles innovation. We must face the fact that In the foreseeable future we cannot change these inherent weaknesses that are outside LNC control. What to do?

Not all is lost. Despite the top-down structure and elective diversity limitations, elective committees are exceptionally well suited to act as think tanks to brainstorm project ideas. The diversity of LNC member backgrounds and rational talents works well to ensure an over-brimming melting pot of innovative ideas.

LNC members are also good at communicating their innovative brainstorming ideas to those outside the top-down structure, including affiliates and independent volunteers who are willing and able to take the bull by the horns and run with LNC project ideas on top of their local projects.

The same talented people who struggle to get stuff done within a top-down elective structure have remarkable talents best expressed outside their parent top-down structures as the ability to tackle and carry innovative projects through to successful conclusions. We see it all the time. Our talented LNC members are no exception and excel at it.

When committee-bound folks, limited by top-down constraints, step outside their confining structure, their accomplishments are amazing. They take the bull by the horns, surround themselves with like-minded folks outside their structural constraints, lead by example, make and keep commitments, and get a hell of a lot of amazing stuff done.

Other strengths that the LNC could leverage despite their top-down and elective diversity limitations are the underutilized talents of LNC members to act as project liaisons and facilitators when invited, and providers of moral and logistical support to those outside the structure who are accomplishing projects critical the Libertarian movement agenda of achieving freedom goals.

Is the LNC open to reconsidering the purpose of their operational strategy and leveraging their brainstorming, liaison, facilitation, and moral support skills of their talented members in order to circumvent their top-down and elective diversity constraints? Time will tell. The long term success of the LP and Libertarian movement may depend on Libertarians’ willingness to reexamine the purpose of the LNC and modify it as necessary to better suit members skills within a top-down elective structure.

As Ken Moellman, our over-achiever Libertarian from Kentucky, wisely said, it is time to “take a deep breath”. In this time of pandemic turmoil and convention concerns, let us take a time out, smell the sweet scent of freedom that Libertarians seek, and tackle our Libertarian and LNC challenges with a refreshed and renewed sense of purpose.



D. Pratt Tseramed, May 14, 2020

Jury Nullification First Localization Secession-lite Baby Step To Undermine Big Brother’s Achilles Heel – Theft of Taxation?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Jury Nullification First Localization Secession-lite Baby Step To Undermine Big Brother's Achilles Heel - Theft of Taxation?

The defense attorney in the following 3-minute enlightening video explains that even if a defendant is ‘guilty’ of violating the law as defined by the court, a juror can find the defendant not guilty because the juror believes that the law is unfair and therefore not legitimate.

“Jurors in most US states will never hear about their nullification powers in the courtroom”. Why is that? And why is this important to Libertarians?

Jury nullification is a secession-lite indirect localization baby step on the path to undermining the theft of taxation.

There is nothing like the threat of secession that would undermine their taxation revenue source to get the attention of Big Brother. Their racket is all about power and the revenue it takes to support their power system.

If you pull the taxation revenue leg out from under them, their extortion racket would collapse like a house of cards.

We must attempt to use the political process to undermine the cult of the omnipotent state even though it will be less effective that two other strategies.

To be realistic, the political process is the problem, not the solution. A political solution on its own merits may be a long time coming.

A more effective strategy is entrepreneurs out-competing government social service monopolies and returning them to the free market where they belong. Occupational licensing reform will help jump start the entrepreneur out-competition strategy.

In spite of the significant merits of the entrepreneur strategy, which we must attempt, it too may take longer than we have to save our economy and way of life.

Undermining taxation with the threat of secession shows considerable promise to speed up the process. The time is ripe to start the taxation undermining process with baby steps like jury/regulation nullification.

Strategies in priority order:

1. Undermine taxation starting with secession-lite baby steps like local jury/regulation nullification and peaceful civil disobedience leading up to the ultimate threat of secession

2. Entrepreneurs out-compete government social service monopolies and return them to the free market

3. Build the Libertarian farm team from the bottom up to keep the pressure on authorities and distract them from entrepreneur social service competition initiatives and efforts to undermine taxation with nullification and the ultimate threat of secession

It will take all three strategies in the priority order indicated above to overcome the legal or illegal obstacles created by institutional authoritarians. They will defend their taxation revenue and social service monopolies power base to the death, namely your death.

The above three prioritized steps will insure a peaceful transition from NON-COMPETITIVE cronyism-riddled tyranny of the majority to COMPETITIVE voluntary governance.


D. Pratt Tseramed – May 7, 2020
Home Office: 402-493-0873
Mobile Backup: 402-981-6469

Macho Man Covid-19 Optics Best Way For LP To Win Voters And Recruits?

in Activism/News/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Macho Man Covid-19 optics best way to win LP voters and recruits?

I appreciate the spirit and enthusiasm behind macho statements about heroic Libertarian defiance of the Covid-19 disease. These bravely spoken chest-thumping comments, however, remind me of the lyrics to the song ‘Macho Man’ by The Village People:

Macho in the eyes of some may strike voters and potential Libertarian recruits as insensitive foolishness at best.

See this thought-provoking video by Arvin Vohra on the moral issue of excluding higher risk delegates and attendees from a physical convention, not to mention bad optics for the LP.

Posted by Arvin Vohra on Saturday, May 2, 2020

After all the hard work put in by the COC and others on this convention, why take moral and optic shortcuts now?

If the LNC is going to lead by example, the ten day delay might provide a window of opportunity for soul searching as to personal motives for ignoring practical priorities and moral imperatives and ways to save face before we are stuck with a June or July physical or hybrid convention that could easily be canceled due to causes outside our control.

If June or July physical or hybrid convention is canceled, what then? Punt? Better to go with a May virtual Zoom LNC/state delegation chair convention that will maximize delegation participation, campaign length, and ballot access, with ZERO, I repeat, ZERO CANCELLATION RISK.

Here are the practical priorities and moral imperatives as I see it:

1. Health safety is a moral imperative and an opportunity for the LP to set an example

2. Accommodation of voting rights for ALL delegates, including those with health issues or concerns that limit attendance options is a moral imperative. This will be an ongoing issue that will have to be resolved in the future with or without pandemics.

Like it or not, virtual meetings will increase delegate participation in votes. If we limit ourselves to physical conventions, it will not bode well for the future of the Libertarian Party.

Electronic meeting technical difficulties MIGHT compromise a few delegates votes. However, a physical non-hybrid convention will DEFINITELY eliminate far more delegate votes through inability to attend.

3. Early selection of candidates and LNC/Judicial Committee members will allow candidates to promptly launch campaigns and leave us with a fully functioning LNC and legitimized Judicial Committee. Both committees are faced with challenging times ahead.

4. 50-state ballot access risk will build if we miss a Memorial Day virtual meeting opportunity for LNC members and state delegation chairs

5. Limiting conventions to physical events will skew votes by age, health, wealth, and random happenstance preventing physical attendance, and could open the door to disruptive and detrimental shenanigans made possible by skewed attendance.

Today’s vote to postpone convention decisions for ten days is not all bad. The door is left open for further due diligence and soul-searching that may increase the likelihood of wise decisions. Today’s vote is a second chance for Libertarian leaders to shine.


D. Pratt Tseramed, May 2, 2020

Is Dr. Fauci Right? Vaccine Panacea For Covid-19 Or Just Another Smoke And Mirrors Big Bucks Boondoggle For Big Pharma And Big Brother?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Vaccine Panacea For Covid-19 Or Big Pharma and Big Brother Boondoggle?

Will Covid-19 Coronavirus vaccines be any better than flu vaccines with their 10-20% efficacy and high death rates?

Why are there no vaccines for other Corona viruses like the common cold?

Vulnerable people die from Corona common cold-induced pneumonia all the time. Not enough bucks for Big Pharma to take the risk in light of flu vaccine death rate failures?

Who is Dr. Fauci fooling? Will Covid-19 vaccines be any better than flu vaccines or will the big beneficiary be Big Pharma?

You can bet there is some high-level big bucks skulduggery going on within the FDA and CDC as Big Pharma players, lobbyists, and bureaucrats with approval authority go for the spoils with little regard for protecting our health.

What if a Covid-19 vaccine is not the panacea? Perhaps a wiser strategy would focus on TREATMENT and PREVENTATIVE health care.


Health care professionals will be heavily involved in developing treatments and thus will be an effective check and balance on government and Big Pharma in treatment research.

Preventive medicine is estimated at only 7% of very expensive ACA Obamacare insurance-based ALLOPATHIC health care.

Preventative medicine is estimated at 70% of cash-basis health care with better outcomes at a fraction of the cost.

Who would you rather have calling the shots on treatment development:

1. Health care professionals?

2. Big Pharma?

3. Big Brother?

Let’s say you are aware of a possible or likely pandemic frequency uptick in the future. You realize that you will have to take charge of your health, particularly if you are vulnerable with preventable underlying conditions.

What preventive health care choices will you have and which will you choose that will allow you to take charge of your health instead of relying on government, with all its corruption, cronyism, and health care mismanagement and disinformation, to cover for you on managing your health?

1. Cash-basis health care with 70% preventive medicine with better outcomes at a fraction of the cost?

2. ACA Obamacare insurance-based allopathic health care with only 7% preventive medicine at outrageous economy and budget-busting expense?

Doesn’t sound like rocket science to me. How about you?


D. Pratt Tseramed, April 13, 2020

Immediate Across The Board Free Agency For All Big Brother Agencies And Programs. Bench Them Today Or Cut Them Loose To Compete, Flounder, Sink, Or Swim As Free Agents In The Free Market.

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Free agency - Cut 'em loose to compete, flounder, sink, or swim as free agents in the free market

Today’s tipping point of egregious Covid-19 pandemic mismanagement dictates the necessity of instituting immediate across the board FREE AGENCY status for all federal agencies and programs.

Consider the benefits of free agency in light of unmitigated failures of the FDA and CDC during the Covid-19 pandemic that dramatically illustrate the destructive unintended consequence of all federal agencies and programs that proliferate due to the inability, legal license, and lack of government will power to balance the budget.

First, bench the FDA and CDC today, not tomorrow, before they can do more damage as we cope with and recover from the Corona pandemic. But don’t stop there.

In preparation for future pandemics and life after coercive non-competitive tyranny of the majority, cut all federal agencies and programs loose before they drown us in a tsunami of bureaucratic corruption and cronyism leading to Socialist bankruptcy.

Do us and and government authorities, agencies, and programs a huge favor by setting them free so they can compete, flounder, sink, or swim as free agents in merit-based free markets, the only true direct democracy where there no need to elect authoritarian leaders

In free markets, we voluntarily vote individually with our wallets and personal decisions in countless trillions of win-win, mutually-beneficial agreements and transactions every day.

Free markets do not foster coercive leaders by authority, electioneering cronyism, or dishonest political correctness. Why? Because they are not competitive. Collaborative competition is the name of the game in the free market.

The best of non-competitive governments fail in less than two or three hundred years due to cronyism-induced bankruptcy if not overthrown before then.

Contrast the stark fact of predictable government failures with the overwhelming evidence that free markets have never failed since internal and external tribal barter economics human action and decision-making evolved at the dawn of mankind.

Oppressive governments can force free markets into grey or black markets but free markets always recover and survive in spite of coercive government failures.

The fact that the human species continues to survive and thrive, despite the worst that governments and other institutional authorities can throw at us, is eloquent testimony of the durability and benefits of free markets that lift people out of poverty, misery, and slavery.

It occurs to me that human gravitation toward free markets and Golden Rule ‘personal governments’, used to define limits for personal behavior and social/economic relationships, are indelibly etched in our human psyche and DNA.

Now there is a challenge and gauntlet thrown down to incentivize scientific research. Prove my hypothesis wrong and come up with a better theory. Have at it, but ‘ends justifies means’ political correctness will not cut the scientific ‘mustard’ and are out of bounds.

In conclusion, there is a lot to be said for free agency as a remedy for out-of-control Big Brother counter productive bureaucracy overhead.


Thoughts? D. Pratt Tseramed, April 7, 2020

Draconian Government Economy-Busting Cronyism Mismanagement of Pandemic Opens Door For Heroic But Peaceful Nullification Civil Disobedience

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Heroic But Peaceful Nullification Civil Disobedience

DISCLAIMER: This meme and article are not to be construed as license or an excuse to irresponsibly risk exposing others to Covid-19. My intent is to delineate the threat and unintended consequences of government issued prohibition edicts, backed by force, that always backfire and make things worse. Humans thrive best when they are left free to decide what is best for themselves instead of government authorities abrogating their freedoms by making decisions for them. In the event that Golden Rule reciprocity is violated by the initiation of force or its derivatives, fraud, theft, and trespass; voluntary individual economic and social ostracism is a far more effective behavior modification tool than government force.

“Freedom is not for the faint of heart”

Here is the anchor meme in a series of ‘NULLIFICATION” posts to establish the moral justification for ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – PEACEFUL CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE’ in response to draconian government economy-busting cronyism mismanagement of the pandemic that is crushing the economy and the finances of workers, businesses, and citizens.

“A picture is worth a thousand words”

“Nullification is mightier than the sword of government edicts”

Food for thought.

ADDENDUM: Response to perceptive thoughts by David Tipton:

Well said. I suggest it is time to take the bull by the horns and attempt to answer your legitimate questions. Freedom is not for the faint hearted.
We agree that we must take into account the twin threats of lethal Covid-19 consequences and draconian government economy-busting cronyism mismanagement of the pandemic.

Here is the reality. If we bankrupt our economy, Covid-19 precautions will go out the window resulting in potentially even more catastrophic body counts and personal health tragedies. We need a prudent response to the pandemic, not draconian edicts.

This series of memes are reminders that we the people can and do employ nullification civil disobedience all the time in response to our screwed up government and legal system. We use cash payments to avoid the boot of taxation. We ignore silly laws that contradict common sense. We use jury nullification when laws, verdicts, sentences, and death penalties are flawed.

We need to remind government that we the people are in charge instead of the other way around. We need to tell government that we are no longer willing to be an abject, apathetic nation of sheep. It is time to nullify Big Brother and undermine the onerous burden of exorbitant point of a gun taxation, but in a peaceful way that injects common sense into how we govern ourselves with immunity from government abuse, cronyism, and corruption.

My wife and I are 81 and 79 respectively. She has underlying health conditions. We need to be responsible and continue our three-week plus self-funded self-quarantine for our own protection. Younger folks who have less health risks but more financial risks may want to consider returning to work provided that they exercise above and beyond prudent precautions to minimize putting themselves, extended family members, colleagues, and customers at risk. When in doubt, stay home.

These decisions, of course, must all be personal choices, not government edicts. Government will get the picture promptly if we exercise common sense and restore our economy and personal finances in peaceful defiance of misguided government power maneuvers.

Some freedom-oriented government talking heads, bureaucrats, and enforcers may have a better grip on the value of nullification. Others more focused on retaining their power and perks may not. So be it.

The American Dream has been perverted by Big Brother tyranny of the majority. My version of not playing the game is to take the bull by the horns and take a proactive role in determining our fate. That challenge is part and parcel of the Liberty movement journey down the roads to freedom, nothing more, nothing less, for all people.


D. Pratt Tseramed, March 27, 2020

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