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How Can We Take Back Control In Nebraska? Secede? Nebrexit Localization?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack

Nebraskans, how can we take back control?

How do we reverse our acceleration toward ever-growing big brother national Socialism the holds us back in Nebraska? What does big brother government depend on without which it would collapse like a house of cards? Is it their source of revenue, the theft of taxation?

If so, how do we pull the taxation leg out from under government? Keep in mind they will defend their source of revenue to the death, your death.

1. Refuse to pay taxes? They will take you to jail at the point of a gun. If you understandably take offense and refuse arrest, they will shoot and kill you.

2. Convention of States amendments? Hopeful but slow moving and uncertain odds?

3. Move all government social service monopolies, including protection and conflict resolution, back to the free market? By golly, that would obsolete government, wouldn’t it? But pretty difficult to accomplish competing against tax-subsidized government monopolies?

4. Elect better politicians who will take care of it for us? Still holding your breath? Are candidates pretty busy spouting political correctness and doing whatever it takes just to get elected?

5. Implement localization by creating statewide sanctuary cities and towns? Guess what? if we localize government, isn’t that the same as SECEDING from higher level government?

6. What if Nebraska cities and towns were to follow the Brexit example with a NEBREXIT movement to implement localization and effectively secede from higher level government? Would Nebrexit localization allow us to take back control?

7. How would we go about legalizing Nebrexit? Town by town, county by county, or in the state Unicameral?

8. Do we need city, state, and national localization candidates to champion the Nebrexit cause?

9. Who will take the bull by the horns on Nebrexit and become the Nigel Farage hero of Nebraska and other states that follow the Nebraska localization example and build on the Nebraska Nebrexit model?


D. Pratt Tseramed, February 22, 2020

December 29, 2019 Texas Church Shooting: How Can Gun Law Advocates Ignore Life Saving Benefits of Concealed Carry?

in Activism/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Who Benefits From Disarming Innocent Victims?

Click the following link to view a dramatic video of the December 29, 2019 church shooting that starkly illustrates the benefits of concealed-carry armed citizens that probably saved the lives of countless potential parishioner victims, as opposed to the naked threat posed by gun-law advocates in their misguided at best attempts to disarm innocent victims in gun-free zones. Note that my “misguided at best” characterization intentionally infers the possibility of misrepresented motives aimed at taking away our freedoms to feather their own nests.

https://imgflip.com/i/37mex7…A gunman who opened fire and killed two people at a Texas church on Sunday was shot and killed by an armed member of the church.About this websiteABCNEWS.GO.COMVideo: Texas church shooting caught on livestreamA gunman who opened fire and killed two people at a Texas church on Sunday was shot and killed by an armed member of the church.

After viewing the video linked above, you will understand my motivation for the following postscript to my August 9, 2019 Facebook post below.

All eight questions in my earlier August 9th post are directly or indirectly relevant to the church shooting that occurred yesterday (December 29,019) in Texas.

Miraculously, only three people died, including the shooter. Do you wonder why the explanation for the reduced body count has been conveniently downplayed or ignored by most of the traditional press who are in the pockets of today’s ‘politics as usual’ public officials? What will the socialist-leaning Teachers’ Union have to say, if anything, about the moral of this story that flies in the face of gun-law advocates?

Here is my postscript written today, following the December 29th Texas church shooting yesterday. This postscript continues with questions 9 through 15, building on where I left off in questions numbered 1 through 8 posed in my August 9th post copied following this postscript:

9. How can we ignore the fact that only three died in yesterday’s Texas church shooting, thanks to a host of concealed-carry volunteer security guards and parishioners who promptly silenced the shooter in less than six seconds and saved the lives of 242 more potential victims.

10. How can we ignore the fact that the traditional media has given short shrift to this clear example of how armed citizens can drastically reduce the large numbers of mass shooting fatalities that occur in government-mandated gun-free zones?

11. How can we ignore the fact that traditional media is more concerned about the newsworthiness of high body counts in gun-free zones rather than reduced body counts due to intervention by armed citizens intent on protecting their friends, loved ones, and many other potential innocent victims?

12. How can we ignore the fact that soft-headed progressive liberals and their traditional media mouthpieces are actually contributing to increased mass shooting body counts as a result of their emotional foggy-brained gun-control nonsense that is really a smokescreen to get votes for their socialist-leaning candidates?

13. How can we ignore the fact that protection of strong-arm government officials and law-enforcement killers of innocents from retaliatory measures by disillusioned citizens is the real motive for gun-law advocates who hide behind the skirts of misdiagnosed and/or deliberately misrepresented mass shooting causes and solutions?

14. How can we ignore the fact that the moral of this dramatically reduced church shooting tragedy yesterday in Texas is the fact that the solution to mass shootings and other violent crimes is to recognize our second amendment rights that are intended to protect us from tyrannical government?

15. How can we ignore the fact that citizens can readily take the bull by the horns instead of relying on over-burdened and often out-of-control law enforcement, arm themselves, and protect their loved ones far better than so-called government ‘defenders of the peace’, and their enforcers, whose ulterior motive is gaining more power and feathering their own nests?

Reiterating with annotations for emphasis:

Shame on [politicians, progressive liberals, traditional media, and gun-control advocates] for trying to pull the wool over our eyes [just to get more votes and power over us].

Shame on us for being so gullible.


D. Pratt Tseramed, December 30, 2019


August 9, 2019 Facebook post:

The politically motivated hysterical rush to take guns away from citizens and disarm innocent victims deserves an objective examination. Here are some questions that strike me as obvious no-brainers ignored by both the media and those that make political hay and seek more personal power by jumping on the bandwagon of disarming not just criminals but also the rest of us that might threaten their political power ambitions:

1. How can we ignore the fact that gun violence continues to steadily decline?

2. How can we ignore the fact that most mass shootings take place in gun-free zones?

3. How can we ignore the fact that it is impossible to disarm bad actors without resources and manpower required for an oppressive police state that would be a far worse threat to our freedoms than the shooters that the power seekers purportedly want to protect us from?

4. How can we ignore the fact that providing adequate official protection in gun-free zones would require a police state that we cannot afford either financially or politically not to mention the inevitable and far worse threat to our freedoms?

5. How can we ignore the fact that disarming innocent victims will only create more victims?

6. How can we ignore the fact that the only practical means to protect innocent victims are concealed-carry and arming ourselves?

7. How can we ignore the fact that gun laws are not intended to protect us and are merely a smoke screen for self-aggrandizement by power-seeking authorities?

8. How can we ignore the fact that protecting us from ourselves is the standard excuse used by power seekers, dictator wannabees, and all forms of collectivism around the world?

Shame on them for trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Shame on us for being gullible.


D. Pratt Tseramed, December 30, 2019

Libertarian Presidential Candidate Releases Resolution To Declare Fourth Amendment Sanctuary

in News/Politics
Privacy Rights

Libertarian Candidate for President Ben Leder is calling for people
to establish Fourth Amendment Sanctuaries across America.

On Christmas Eve 2019 Ben Leder published the following resolution to his website calling upon his supporters to take action.


WHEREAS, it is the desire of the __________ County Commissioners Court to declare its support of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Texas Constitution Art 1 Sec 9 protecting citizens inalienable rights

WHEREAS, the members of __________ County Commissioners took an oath to support and defend the United States Constitution, the Constitution of the State of Texas and laws of the State of Texas (insofar as they are constitutional), and,

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners Court of the County of ____________ by the authority granted to the Commissioners by the laws of the State of Texas that this commissioners court will defend the citizens rights and liberties, which are guaranteed by the United States and Texas Constitutions.In addition:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Commissioners Court affirms its support for the duly elected Sheriff of __________ County, Texas in the exercise of his sound discretion. We also affirm our resolve to support decisions by our Sheriff to not enforce any unconstitutional firearms laws against any citizen.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Commissioners Court will not authorize or appropriate government funds, resources, employees, agencies, contractors, buildings, detention centers or offices for the purpose of enforcing law that unconstitutionally infringes on the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, vehicles and transportation devices, effects, papers, physical or electronic possessions, and the communications, and transmissions, and the transportation thereof from all unreasonable seizures, searches, or surveillance.”

I designed this as a template custom tailored for Texas Counties, however it can easily be modified for use in other States by citing the relevant articles from your States Constitution in conjunction with the US Constitution.

Ben Leder – December 24th 2019

Hoping for the best is not enough to secure ourselves and future generations from tyranny, I’m asking you to join the fight to reclaim the rights your ancestors fought a revolution for, I’m asking you to join the fight in your very own backyards and run for local office to restore and defend the rights of all.

I’m asking you to join the fight to declare your county a Fourth Amendment Sanctuary…

Ben Leder

When Do Politicians Get Rich? Vote Instead With Your Wallet in the Free Market?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
When did the politician get rich? Before elected or while in office?

Next November, who will you vote for?

1. A billionaire turned politician?

2. A politician who got rich while in office?

The way I look at it, a billionaire turned politician can be good or bad. Most politicians are bad, but a politician who gets rich while in office raises a huge red flag.

I don’t know about you, but I prefer to leave the politicians to their own devices and out-compete the authoritarian bastards and their government social service monopolies by building better competitive social services in the free market where we don’t have to elect corruptible power-seeking representatives.

Free markets are the only true direct democracies where we vote with our wallets and win-win mutually-beneficial agreements in trillions of transactions every day. Ever wonder why free markets have never failed over the entire history of mankind while even the best governments typically fail in less than 200 years? Hmmm.

The U.S. is approaching its 250th birthday. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to read between the lines and see that we are accelerating toward bankruptcy, mud-hut socialist conformity, and misery punctuated by endless wars and violence.

I support political candidates, especially if they are independently wealthy, as long as they are champions of freedom and free markets. However, except for one third party, champions of freedom are harder to find than a needle in a haystack. Billionaires enriched by being in bed with government are thicker than fleas and easy to find under every crony blanket.

Politics brings out the worst in us, especially in our elected officials and their appointed cronies. Nevertheless, we have a golden opportunity to set the stage for a freedom political solution by first putting government social service monopolies out of business.

The door is wide open as government monopolies fall all over themselves to price their coercive social services out of business. Following the repeal of the individual mandate, Obamacare has rapidly become an economic eyesore and is being out-competed by higher-quality cash-basis healthcare at a fraction of the cost.

Obamacare promised to cutt premiums in half. Guess what, premiums doubled. Yikes! The good news is that the painful failures of government social services have opened the door to better competitive private-sector solutions.

Other government social service monopolies are persistently following suit on the economic failure of Obamacare. the failing monopolies include the public education cartel, social entitlements, the military, drug-war and immigration law enforcement, courts of law, NASA, and regulatory agencies, just to name a few.

Fellow freedom lovers and entrepreneurs, the window of opportunity is wide open to achieve personal success and build a robust free-market economy that will benefit everyone, including corrupt officials as we either help them clean up their acts or boot their butts back into the private sector where they will have to work for a living.

How about you? Will you be dragged kicking and screaming into freedom? Or do you have the courage to take the bull by the horns, dip your toes in, and test the entrepreneur waters?

Regardless, come on in. Leave today’s power-corrupted politicians and their cronies behind. The freedom and free-market waters are just fine.

You too can be a hero by setting an example in the free market. That, in turn, will set the stage for the ascendance of future political champions of liberty and an enduring destiny of freedom, nothing more, nothing less, for all people.


D. Pratt Tseramed, December 21, 2019

Nation of Sheep or Free Market Heroes?

in Activism/Business/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Nation of Sheep or Free Market Heroes and Heroines?

The following is a continuation of a stimulating dialog with Emily Goldberg, LSLA Secretary, with several edits and additions for clarity:

Emily, I have a higher opinion of mankind. Government and the political process has a way of creating a nation of sheep. A properly tuned LP message focused on the strength of our turf, the private sector and benefits of the free market, will free our nation of sheep.

True, some market leaders gain their nefarious stature through government preferences, bailouts, and so on. We all know who they are. Warren ‘More Bailouts’ Buffet, the ‘Oracle of Omaha’, for one. What a shame that a former astute stock market analyst hero of mine from my home town succumbed to the free lunch temptations of the dark side of progressive economics and politics.

For the sake of transparency, Bill Redpath (long-time LNC At Large and former LNC Chair), my wife Re, and I recently had a group picture taken at Buttet’s Gorats Restaurant in Omaha in front of a life-size image of Warren, a credit to Buffet’s earlier financial accomplishments of hero proportions. I sincerely hope that the significant good side of Warren will see the light.

Unfortunately, as evidenced by Buffet’s Berkshire-Hathaway firm, a large segment of the corporate world is in bed with government. Kudos to corporate leaders who resist that temptation, not to mention all our small business and entrepreneur heroes and heroines who reflect the best of our Libertarian principles.

Emily, expanding on our earlier conversation about heroes, have you thought about the differentiating factor between dubious political heroes and private-sector champions? Could it be the nature of their diverse accomplishments? We all know and admire the achievements of free-market heroes that benefit mankind and raise our standard of living. Politicians, on the other hand, are sadly respected for their aggrandizement in acquiring power over others (the rest of us). From my perspective, power-seekers and power over others is what we Libertarians are supposed to be fighting against.

But political power exists only as long as politicians are in office. Once out of office, their power ceases and the glamour of their power over others rapidly evaporates. Maintaining voter respect for their political power over others is what drives politicians to do whatever is necessary to get reelected, including but not limited to the evils of political correctness, corruption, and cronyism. Politics invariably brings out the worst in us.

Many if not most politicians could care less about the future impact of their corruption and cronyism actions as long as they get reelected in the here and now to maintain their illusory hero status. In economic terms, their focus on short-term power status, available only if they get reelected, represents a high time preference rate. See time preference rate comments in tomes by Hans Hermann Hoppe, including ‘A Short History of Man, Progress and Decline’ and ‘Democracy – the God that Failed’. To summarize, the high time preference rate of politicians is epitomized by their behavior, living for the moment with little interest in saving and investing for the future. After all, it is not their money they are spending at the expense of our freedoms, it is our hard-earned money they so thoughtlessly throw around just to garner votes.

We know that the success of free markets is due to just the opposite, the low time preference rate of saving and investing for the future to maximize not only long-term profits but more important, the benefits to customers and all of mankind that is the overriding motivation for most entrepreneurs and business start-up heroes.

To make a long story short, my abhorrence for power-seeking politics and the cronyism and political correctness required to get elected is why I bypass the political process food fight for power over others and the temporary illusion of hero worship derived from power over others available only while in office. I look to the private sector for the real heroes, the non-politician producers and leaders by example, the motor of the world, who are directly responsible for our well-being and standard of living.

May our Libertarian candidates and political efforts be a reflection of the awesome motivations and achievements of our private-sector free-market heroes. Do you think such a message just might win more elections by differentiating us from duopoly politicians, and, more important, accelerate our quest for freedom, nothing more, nothing less, for all people?


D. Pratt Tseramed, December 14, 2019

Serious Libertarian Candidates?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Are you serious about getting elected?

Libertarian candidates, are you really serious about getting elected?
Are you prepared for the challenges, temptations, opportunities, and consequences?

Are you aware of alternative opportunities that may be even more important as requisite precursors to your political success as a serious Libertarian candidate?

Are you ready to swim with the sharks?

If you are up to the challenge, read on:

Serious Libertarian candidates eschew gaining power over others as they seek to inspire, lead by example, and accomplish real incremental governance reforms that reinforce our freedoms.

Serious Libertarian candidates also understand that getting elected and succeeding in their inspiration and freedom-reform endeavors depends on being a reflection of equally serious Libertarians. motor-of-the-world entrepreneurs, and other earned-lunchers who eschew the free-lunch temptations of gaining power over others in the political arena where our liberty is food for voracious saber-tooth authoritarians, fodder for their cannons, and prey for the ‘Jaws’ of power-hungry politicians.

These equally serious Libertarians choose instead to build our foundation of freedom by working their butts off and competing enthusiastically but fairly in the free market.

Whether free-market competitors or political candidates, serious Libertarians celebrate the fact that successful campaigns and freedom-based political solutions are built on the shoulders of free-market successes, not the other way around.


D. Pratt Tseramed, December 12, 2019

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