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Free Market


in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Poor Pratt's Almanack

Think about the percentage of GDP wasted to support parasitic political free riders of all stripes whose income at least partially depends directly or indirectly on the corrupt cronyism-riddled political process that produces absolutely nothing other than wars, economic dependency, elite authority versus free market producer societies, and a multitude of degrees of misery and slavery.

Yep, get elected, be part of the political process, delude yourself with artificial power peer approval, and reap the perks that go with power like hot dogs and beer go with baseball.

Do you think that is not a very thoughtful approach to achieving freedom? and freedom from what? Well, maybe freedom from the need to embrace the rigors of the free market while diluting freedoms for the rest of us?

Now, who is fooling whom? The political process and politicians are explicitly the problem, not the solution, which will come first and foremost from the free market.

Boy Did We Sell The Voters a Bill of Freedom Goods!

The sole redeeming values of the political process are education, planting seeds of freedom, and possibly a mop-up role to dismantle Big Brother, but only after the free market does the heavy lifting. Look to the free market for freedom from political parasites.

Is the LP well on its way to becoming the lesser of three evils third leg of a terrible triopoly? If so, what should we change to get the LP pointed back to the vision and mission of the healthy, growing, and maturing broader Libertarian movement: Freedom, Nothing More, Nothing Less, For All People IN OUR LIFETIMES?

Now, the burning question is: How will Libertarian politicians respond? Stay tuned and take notes before you decide whether to vote NOTA as a way to stop enabling cronyism-prone corruptible politicians.

Giddy About Freedom As We Do About Politics?


D. Pratt Tseramed, July 6, 2020
David.Demarest@R2FF.org, 402-493-0873


in Activism/Free Market/Information/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack

Link to the Facebook group ‘LP Free Market Caucus’ (LPFMC):


Link to the accompanying Facebook group ‘Free Market Action – Individual Rights’:


Ready to rock and roll in the free market? Welcome! Here’s the plan. Our group will be laser-focused on the three following types of free market projects:

1. Build a better product or service that will provide real benefits to people and improve their lives today or in the future

2. Provide a free market networking service to connect people with projects

3. Collaborate on free market advocacy, education, and outreach projects

Before we spell out the immediate caucus agenda, here are a few comments on our vision, mission, and strategy:

We are not about building an empire. We recognize that our efforts will have political impact, hence our connection to the Libertarian Party as a caucus. Our goal is to support the free market by fostering projects regardless of whether the projects are directly or indirectly associated with our caucus or spun off and totally independent.

We are all self-funded individual volunteers focused on projects that may have political impact, but we leave the politics to those so inclined. Since all projects will be self-funded internally and/or externally, we will have no caucus membership fee.

Our project focus extends to the infrastructure of the caucus. All infrastructure efforts will involve projects. Leadership by example will suffice to keep the caucus running smoothly. If you are looking for a title or someone to tell you what to do, you have come to the wrong place.

Infrastructure project example: Setting up a networking caucus infrastructure service will be a project unto itself and self-funded through internal and/or external fund-raising as necessary. If networking is your forte, volunteer and negotiate with other like-minded volunteers on how to run and accomplish the mission of the networking project.

We encourage the same approach to all projects, internal, external, or independent. However, how projects are run is entirely up to those who have volunteered for the projects.

Now, let’s get down to our immediate agenda. We expect to hold our first project brainstorming session(s) within the next two or three weeks.

We will provide facilitators and moderator for the first iteration of session(s). We anticipate the brainstorming sessions will range from 60 to 90 minutes. Come prepared so we can make effective use of the time. Handout material is not required but may facilitate the process.

We are working on an initial topic list and brainstorming session format. We will have fun learning as we go. Please come with your own topics and brainstorming format suggestions. Most important, come with an idea of what problem or project you personally want to address immediately. Let us know what project is burning a hole in your pocket.

The general session strategy is to brainstorm a list of projects, poll attendees for project priorities. poll attendees on which project they want to work on, provide networking suggestions, and help schedule follow-up project-specific meetings for those who volunteer for specific projects.

The first task is to schedule what days of the week or dates and times work for you for our initial caucus-centered brainstorming sessions. Please reply with your suggestions. We anticipate this will require several sessions each iteration that will lead to several repeating caucus-centered session cycles. This means we will be looking for volunteers for session and project facilitators and moderators.

How does this sound to you?

Please provide your preferred dates and times for the initial caucus-centered project brainstorming sessions.

Let’s do it!


D.Pratt Tseramed, June 26, 2020


in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack

Budding politicians and political junkies, here is a pithy commentary, with minor wordsmithing for clarity, excerpted from a lively ‘LP 2020 Delegates – Uncensored, Unmoderated‘ Facebook page discussion with D. Frank Robinson of Oklahoma, a ground-floor Libertarian who helped David Nolan with the documentation of our original Libertarian Party Statement of Principles (SoP):


David Pratt Demarest to D Frank Robinson :

You too noticed that politics “does tend [to] employ every logical fallacy known”. Frank, that is the understatement of the twenty first century!

My approach, unforgivable as it may be, is to figure out why what you say is true using what von Mises called Praxeology. Mises Praxeology is the science of human action and decision making and the broader definition of Economics beyond mere finance. In other words, studying not just what people do but also why they choose to do it, their motivation for choosing a particular course of action.

For example, why do people choose to be Libertarians when it would be easier to go with the flow? Why do people gravitate toward politics instead of just building better mouse traps or other products and services that actually benefit people?

I hear people going on endlessly about the best strategy to get elected, providing lip-service but no action plan to achieve freedom, and never, never mentioning the free market, the real source of benefits and our Libertarian home turf. Consequently, I am understandably skeptical of the motives of many if not most politicians, including many Libertarian politicians.

Unfortunately, despite lip-service to freedom, the political motivations I see are pretty ugly in terms of Libertarian thought. To be fair and give credit where credit is due, a comparatively disproportionate number of Libertarians politicians truly are in it to further freedom. And, of course, there are many political gradients.




Those folks do the freedom cause a disservice and are part of the problem, not the solution. We know they dominate the duopoly. The question is how dominant they are in the LP.

In my opinion, whether or not they include the free market in their platform, and come with action plans to solve problems leveraging the benefits of the free market, tells me what I need to know about the sincerity of their freedom agenda, as opposed politics as usual for personal aggrandizement. Another tell-tale sign is whether they stoop to the level of using political correctness, i.e., lying to achieve a political purpose like getting elected.

My conclusions are not flattering to most politicians. Unfortunately, that includes many Libertarian politicians. When you take off the political ‘arrested paradigm’ blinders, it is pretty easy to spot the “I wanna get elected” gleam in their eyes, disingenuous political correctness, and insincere freedom advocacy that totally ignores the free market.


D. Pratt Tseramed, June 13, 2020
David.Demarest@R2FF.org, 402-493-0873


in Activism/Free Market/Information/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack

Quote from my post in ‘LNC – Business Discuss’ [with minor wordsmithing for clarity] in response to comments by Marc Montoni (LPRC 3rd iteration Co-founder ) and others regarding the chart showing LP committee staffing and appointment details/responsibilities posted by Nicholas Sarwark, LP Chair.

Three points:

1. Chair model:

Regardless of the strengths or shortcomings of strong or weak chair models, both models exist in an elective top-down political structure with all its democratic blessings and cronyism-prone faults. Hmmm. Top-down institutional authoritarian structure has not worked well for our tyranny of the majority government in the long run. Perhaps we need to look beyond the chair model and examine the underlying structure to determine faults and solutions.

2. Stepping back from emotions:

Many of us had the unfortunate opportunity to watch all of the LNC meetings, practice sessions, and the virtual convention. I believe the LNC meetings and the virtual convention were recorded. Personally, I am certainly glad that the more vocal LNC members and the rampaging, er, wise and professional majority of delegates stepped back from their emotions and made well considered thoughtful decisions (facetiously speaking).

Obviously, observations about who exhibited emotional behavior are subjective. However, my stomach is not up to watching the embarrassing replays. Once was enough. The evidence I saw was pretty clear and reminiscent of the stripper disruption during the 2016 LP national convention in Orlando. The same evidence was witnessed by many if not most of the delegates. They may want to watch the recordings again to refresh their memories.

3. Role of emotions:

Emotions are a critical part of our makeup. Emotions, appropriately used, are an effective early warning system to alert the brain about incoming information that may require engaging the brain and our self-aware rational capacity to perform objective analysis and design and implement solutions to address, mitigate, or build on the objective conclusions. Despite occasional emergency snap decisions that can be prepared for in advance, substituting emotions for the rational brain process rarely works well.

Emotions also play a critical feedback role to celebrate successes of our rational brain processes and actions. Unfortunately, ConventionGate provides little opportunity for celebration but presents ample opportunities to learn from mistakes. We shall see on the latter. The future of the LP may depend on it.


Personally, I think the chair model and bylaws/RONR debates are the least of our problems. Obviously, Covid-19 was a significant contributor to our ConventionGate debacle. The LP had and may still have an opportunity to lead by example in comparison to our duopoly political neighbors during the Covid-19 pandemic.

We are stuck with our top-down elective structure for the time being. Are we capable of rising above our structural faults? ConventionGate was not a good start. How will we conclude this ugly LP chapter? Time will tell.

My personal emotional and objective reactions to ConventionGate:

My, how politics brings out the best in us. Well, that’s not very honest, is it? Let me rephrase. My, how top-down emotionally driven politics brings out the worst in us [insert “upchuck”].

My objective and emotional response concerns include how potential LP candidates and members will react to this sorry spectacle.

Of even more concern to me is the reaction of existing members. Some may react by excluding or expelling various factions they disagree with using a skewed non-hybrid second sitting in a fit of un-Libertarian-like opportunism or spite. Others may give up the ghost of liberty in this current snapshot of the LP and move on to more freedom friendly homes focused on our free market home turf.

My gosh, how did the words “Liberty”, “Freedom”, and “Free Market” creep into this political discussion?




D. Pratt Tseramed, June 11, 2020
David.Demarest@R2FF.org, 402-493-0873


in Activism/Information/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack

Political donors are notoriously naive. They get so giddy about the political process, their favorite candidates, and political agenda projects that they forget about due diligence precautions inherent in the free market. They leave the door wide open for bad actors.

Let’s stop and think about what attracts bad actors. Money and power that translates into money. The biggest pots of money are in the free market. True, the free market does attract some bad actors.

Free markets however, are primarily merit-based. Bad actors find it more difficult to avoid having to embrace the free market requirement that nothing gets produced without effort. They might actually have to work hard and earn their way, exactly what they are trying to avoid.

Where can bad actors go where they don’t have to earn their way. Bingo, You got it. Politics. True, the pots of money in politics are not as big as those in the free market. However, political money, primarily in campaigns and political agenda projects, is donor based. Donations are harder to track and easier to cook the books on.

Free market ventures must meet generally accepted accounting practices and their long range survival depends on how profitable they are. In the case of non-profits, their success is nevertheless measurable and their ability to attract talent depends on the salaries they can offer.

Not so with politics. The profit is getting elected, influencing policy, or sending a message. The modus operandi of bad actors in the political arena is to recruit candidates, initiate donor-attractive projects, or insert themselves into campaigns or projects based on alleged management, marketing, or fund-raising skills, particularly the latter. The next step is to offer or insist on control of the campaign or project finances.

Once intrenched in a campaign or project, how can bad actors attain their goal of enriching themselves at the expense of the endeavor at hand? Inflated performance fees, misrepresented performance, siphoning off donations, cooking the books, sloppy reporting with no or friendly audits, just for openers.

The big prizes for bad actors, however, are the funds left over when the campaign or project is completed. The telltale sign of the opportunity for malfeasance is money left over and and vague or non-existing policies on how to distribute the spoils. Sound familiar? A campaign or project that is sincerely intended to achieve the stated goal will typically use all funds available to ensure victory or achieve success.

It is conceivable that an efficiently run campaign or project could end up with surplus funds. The ethical approach would be to escrow surplus funds for a future campaign or follow-on project and do so with crystal clear well-documented and publicly reported transparency.

Here is a dose of reality for political donors. When a campaign or agenda project has run its course, political donors, unlike free market investors, predictably move on to the next exciting political drama and lose interest in how the campaign or project finances were wrapped up.

It is easier in politics for bad actors to split the leftovers, leave a trail of unpaid bills, head for the hills with their ill-gotten gains, hole up until they run out of money, and then set the trap for their next political campaign or project financial victim.

How could you as a donor smoke out bad actors short of testing for psychopathic behavior?

  • Do your due diligence as if it was a free market endeavor
  • Get involved in the cause, campaign, or project you believe in
  • Insist on a commitment to financial transparency
  • Insist on published lists of board, staff, and credential profiles
  • Insist on a financial prospectus
  • Insist on a business plan
  • Insist on frequent financial reports reviewed by an independent auditor
  • Insist on profit retention and distribution policies
  • Guard the campaign wallet like it was your own

Political donors are to be congratulated on their enthusiastic largess. However, the challenges and responsibilities for donors are more than just taking advantage of an opportunity to avoid getting their fingers dirty.

A wise donor actively participates in the endeavor they are supporting. They ensure that their donation dollars are wisely used and do not fall into the hands of bad actors. They hold the beneficiaries of their philanthropy accountable.

Click the following link for a related meme and story:

D. Pratt Tseramed, June 3, 2020
David.Demarest@R2FF.org, 402-493-0873

Immediate Across The Board Free Agency For All Big Brother Agencies And Programs. Bench Them Today Or Cut Them Loose To Compete, Flounder, Sink, Or Swim As Free Agents In The Free Market.

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Free agency - Cut 'em loose to compete, flounder, sink, or swim as free agents in the free market

Today’s tipping point of egregious Covid-19 pandemic mismanagement dictates the necessity of instituting immediate across the board FREE AGENCY status for all federal agencies and programs.

Consider the benefits of free agency in light of unmitigated failures of the FDA and CDC during the Covid-19 pandemic that dramatically illustrate the destructive unintended consequence of all federal agencies and programs that proliferate due to the inability, legal license, and lack of government will power to balance the budget.

First, bench the FDA and CDC today, not tomorrow, before they can do more damage as we cope with and recover from the Corona pandemic. But don’t stop there.

In preparation for future pandemics and life after coercive non-competitive tyranny of the majority, cut all federal agencies and programs loose before they drown us in a tsunami of bureaucratic corruption and cronyism leading to Socialist bankruptcy.

Do us and and government authorities, agencies, and programs a huge favor by setting them free so they can compete, flounder, sink, or swim as free agents in merit-based free markets, the only true direct democracy where there no need to elect authoritarian leaders

In free markets, we voluntarily vote individually with our wallets and personal decisions in countless trillions of win-win, mutually-beneficial agreements and transactions every day.

Free markets do not foster coercive leaders by authority, electioneering cronyism, or dishonest political correctness. Why? Because they are not competitive. Collaborative competition is the name of the game in the free market.

The best of non-competitive governments fail in less than two or three hundred years due to cronyism-induced bankruptcy if not overthrown before then.

Contrast the stark fact of predictable government failures with the overwhelming evidence that free markets have never failed since internal and external tribal barter economics human action and decision-making evolved at the dawn of mankind.

Oppressive governments can force free markets into grey or black markets but free markets always recover and survive in spite of coercive government failures.

The fact that the human species continues to survive and thrive, despite the worst that governments and other institutional authorities can throw at us, is eloquent testimony of the durability and benefits of free markets that lift people out of poverty, misery, and slavery.

It occurs to me that human gravitation toward free markets and Golden Rule ‘personal governments’, used to define limits for personal behavior and social/economic relationships, are indelibly etched in our human psyche and DNA.

Now there is a challenge and gauntlet thrown down to incentivize scientific research. Prove my hypothesis wrong and come up with a better theory. Have at it, but ‘ends justifies means’ political correctness will not cut the scientific ‘mustard’ and are out of bounds.

In conclusion, there is a lot to be said for free agency as a remedy for out-of-control Big Brother counter productive bureaucracy overhead.


Thoughts? D. Pratt Tseramed, April 7, 2020

We Are All In This Pandemic Together And Will Emerge Stronger With A Bond Of Love For Our Fellow Travelers On Planet Earth

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Love For Our Fellow Travelers On Planet Earth - We Are In This Together And Will Emerge Stronger

Here is a copy of a boots on the ground pandemic dose of reality social media post authored by Christian Baldwin, my former First Data/Fiserv colleague and trusted friend.

Christian and his wife, along with neighbors and friends Diane and Steve Becker, have generously helped us with grocery shopping and mail pickup while Re and I are in extended age-related self-quarantine going on five weeks and who knows how long.

Christian’s wife is on the front lines as a nurse in Omaha and likewise for Christian’s son in an essential grocery service capacity. Christian says he is tempted to hose his son down every day when his son returns home from work. The entire Baldwin family is at considerable risk, yet they step up to the plate because of their moral stance that we are all in this together.

Both Becker’s have underlying conditions yet they continue to risk exposure while taking care of neighbors.

A big mental hug and heartfelt thank you to the all the heroic Baldwin’s and Becker’s of the world who lead by example and risk themselves daily while getting stuff done that our well being and future depend on.

Just as medical providers commit to the Hippocratic Oath, our concerned friend and neighbor benefactors operate on what might be called the ‘Golden Rule Oath’.


“-Christian Baldwin post from Facebook

-Just so I never forget…..

April 4, 2020:

-Gas prices in NE are $1.60

-School canceled

-Yes, canceled

-Self-distancing measures on the rise

-Tape on the floors at grocery stores and others to help distance shoppers (6 ft) from each other

-A limited number of people inside stores, therefore, lineups outside the store doors

-Non-essential stores and businesses mandated closed

-Parks, trails, entire cities locked up

-The entire sports season canceled

-Concerts, tours, festivals, entertainment events canceled

-Weddings, family celebrations, holiday gatherings canceled

-No masses, churches are closed

-No gatherings of 50 or more, then 20 or more, now 10 or more

-Don’t socialize with anyone outside of your home

-Children’s outdoor play parks are closed

-We are to distance from each other

-Shortage of masks, gowns, gloves for our front-line workers

-Shortage of ventilators for the critically ill

-Panic buying sets in and we have no toilet paper, no disinfecting supplies, no paper towel no laundry soap, no hand sanitizer

-Shelves are bare

-Manufacturers, distilleries and other businesses switch their lines to help make visors, masks, hand sanitizer and PPE

-The government closes the border to all non-essential travel

-Fines are established for breaking the rules

-Stadiums and recreation facilities open up for the overflow of Covid-19 patients

-Press conferences daily from the President and the governors. Daily updates on new cases, recoveries, and deaths

-Government incentives to stay home

-Barely anyone on the roads

-People wearing masks and gloves outside

-Essential service workers are terrified to go to work

-Medical field workers are afraid to go home to their families

-This is the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic, declared March 11th, 2020

-Why, you ask, do I write this status? One day it will show up in my memory feed, and it will be a yearly reminder that life is precious and not to take the things we dearly love for granted. We have so much! Be thankful. Be grateful. Be kind to each other – love one another – support everyone. We are all one!

❤️Copy and share


Thank you, Christian!

Thoughts? D. Pratt Tseramed, April 4, 2020

How Can We Take Back Control In Nebraska? Secede? Nebrexit Localization?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack

Nebraskans, how can we take back control?

How do we reverse our acceleration toward ever-growing big brother national Socialism the holds us back in Nebraska? What does big brother government depend on without which it would collapse like a house of cards? Is it their source of revenue, the theft of taxation?

If so, how do we pull the taxation leg out from under government? Keep in mind they will defend their source of revenue to the death, your death.

1. Refuse to pay taxes? They will take you to jail at the point of a gun. If you understandably take offense and refuse arrest, they will shoot and kill you.

2. Convention of States amendments? Hopeful but slow moving and uncertain odds?

3. Move all government social service monopolies, including protection and conflict resolution, back to the free market? By golly, that would obsolete government, wouldn’t it? But pretty difficult to accomplish competing against tax-subsidized government monopolies?

4. Elect better politicians who will take care of it for us? Still holding your breath? Are candidates pretty busy spouting political correctness and doing whatever it takes just to get elected?

5. Implement localization by creating statewide sanctuary cities and towns? Guess what? if we localize government, isn’t that the same as SECEDING from higher level government?

6. What if Nebraska cities and towns were to follow the Brexit example with a NEBREXIT movement to implement localization and effectively secede from higher level government? Would Nebrexit localization allow us to take back control?

7. How would we go about legalizing Nebrexit? Town by town, county by county, or in the state Unicameral?

8. Do we need city, state, and national localization candidates to champion the Nebrexit cause?

9. Who will take the bull by the horns on Nebrexit and become the Nigel Farage hero of Nebraska and other states that follow the Nebraska localization example and build on the Nebraska Nebrexit model?


D. Pratt Tseramed, February 22, 2020

Do You Have The Courage To Follow In The Footsteps Of Our Founding Fathers And Create Your Own Personal Constitution?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Personal Constitution

Do you agree that our heroic Constitution unfortunately suffers from flaws and omissions that opened the door for today’s cancer of Socialist-leaning, non-competitive, tyranny of the majority, big brother, institutional authoritarian government?

If so, are you willing to create your own personal ‘constitution’ in preparation for the coming solution, voluntary competitive governance, once we out-compete coercive government social service monopolies and pull the taxation legs out from under statist government causing it to collapse like a house of cards?

Think about it. A free market competition between personal constitutions; privatized social services including protection and adjudication not to mention healthcare, education, retirement savings; charity, and, last but most important, voluntary competitive governance consisting of mutually agreed upon rules for economic and social interactions.

Are you up to creating your own personal constitution and testing the waters in the free market? Here’s a little-known fact. We already exercise our unspoken personal constitutions all the time in our free market transactions and personal relationships with others.

Do you think it might help to formalize and document your personal constitution? How about a Libertarian contest to rate personal constitutions or, better yet, celebrate their diversity. They might even add to our already outstanding Libertarian Party Statement of Principles (SoP).


D. Pratt Tseramed, February 12, 2020

When Do Politicians Get Rich? Vote Instead With Your Wallet in the Free Market?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
When did the politician get rich? Before elected or while in office?

Next November, who will you vote for?

1. A billionaire turned politician?

2. A politician who got rich while in office?

The way I look at it, a billionaire turned politician can be good or bad. Most politicians are bad, but a politician who gets rich while in office raises a huge red flag.

I don’t know about you, but I prefer to leave the politicians to their own devices and out-compete the authoritarian bastards and their government social service monopolies by building better competitive social services in the free market where we don’t have to elect corruptible power-seeking representatives.

Free markets are the only true direct democracies where we vote with our wallets and win-win mutually-beneficial agreements in trillions of transactions every day. Ever wonder why free markets have never failed over the entire history of mankind while even the best governments typically fail in less than 200 years? Hmmm.

The U.S. is approaching its 250th birthday. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to read between the lines and see that we are accelerating toward bankruptcy, mud-hut socialist conformity, and misery punctuated by endless wars and violence.

I support political candidates, especially if they are independently wealthy, as long as they are champions of freedom and free markets. However, except for one third party, champions of freedom are harder to find than a needle in a haystack. Billionaires enriched by being in bed with government are thicker than fleas and easy to find under every crony blanket.

Politics brings out the worst in us, especially in our elected officials and their appointed cronies. Nevertheless, we have a golden opportunity to set the stage for a freedom political solution by first putting government social service monopolies out of business.

The door is wide open as government monopolies fall all over themselves to price their coercive social services out of business. Following the repeal of the individual mandate, Obamacare has rapidly become an economic eyesore and is being out-competed by higher-quality cash-basis healthcare at a fraction of the cost.

Obamacare promised to cutt premiums in half. Guess what, premiums doubled. Yikes! The good news is that the painful failures of government social services have opened the door to better competitive private-sector solutions.

Other government social service monopolies are persistently following suit on the economic failure of Obamacare. the failing monopolies include the public education cartel, social entitlements, the military, drug-war and immigration law enforcement, courts of law, NASA, and regulatory agencies, just to name a few.

Fellow freedom lovers and entrepreneurs, the window of opportunity is wide open to achieve personal success and build a robust free-market economy that will benefit everyone, including corrupt officials as we either help them clean up their acts or boot their butts back into the private sector where they will have to work for a living.

How about you? Will you be dragged kicking and screaming into freedom? Or do you have the courage to take the bull by the horns, dip your toes in, and test the entrepreneur waters?

Regardless, come on in. Leave today’s power-corrupted politicians and their cronies behind. The freedom and free-market waters are just fine.

You too can be a hero by setting an example in the free market. That, in turn, will set the stage for the ascendance of future political champions of liberty and an enduring destiny of freedom, nothing more, nothing less, for all people.


D. Pratt Tseramed, December 21, 2019

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