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Do You Have The Courage To Follow In The Footsteps Of Our Founding Fathers And Create Your Own Personal Constitution?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Personal Constitution

Do you agree that our heroic Constitution unfortunately suffers from flaws and omissions that opened the door for today’s cancer of Socialist-leaning, non-competitive, tyranny of the majority, big brother, institutional authoritarian government?

If so, are you willing to create your own personal ‘constitution’ in preparation for the coming solution, voluntary competitive governance, once we out-compete coercive government social service monopolies and pull the taxation legs out from under statist government causing it to collapse like a house of cards?

Think about it. A free market competition between personal constitutions; privatized social services including protection and adjudication not to mention healthcare, education, retirement savings; charity, and, last but most important, voluntary competitive governance consisting of mutually agreed upon rules for economic and social interactions.

Are you up to creating your own personal constitution and testing the waters in the free market? Here’s a little-known fact. We already exercise our unspoken personal constitutions all the time in our free market transactions and personal relationships with others.

Do you think it might help to formalize and document your personal constitution? How about a Libertarian contest to rate personal constitutions or, better yet, celebrate their diversity. They might even add to our already outstanding Libertarian Party Statement of Principles (SoP).


D. Pratt Tseramed, February 12, 2020

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