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Will You Sit Still While AOC, BS, And EW Put The Socialism Ring In Your Nose?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Socialism will be nice and peaceful?

Republishing this meme about AOC is all the more appropriate and timely with B.S. (remarkably appropriate initials!) and E.W. (Even Wordier?) leading in Iowa Caucus polls. If you replace AOC with EW or BS, what do you get? More of the same? Are both just watered down versions of AOC? Do you agree that EW is even worse than BS and almost as bad as JS in the Green Party?

Why do I say that? The recent squabble between EW and BS dramatically illustrates their shared lust for getting elected to a position of authority over others and ‘ends justifies means’ persistence in doing whatever it takes to get the most votes, a disease that permeates many if not most political parties and campaigns. Unfortunately, the LP is not immune to disgusting ‘politics as usual’ and ‘get-elected-itis’ political correctness, the politician’s weapon of mass deception.

The danger of a Socialist takeover is real. The appeal of socialism to impressionable teenagers and young adults is undeniable and natural. The economic and political awakening of many raised in a positive environment of social tolerance unfortunately has been overwhelmed by total immersion in the tax-funded socialist brainwashing cartel cauldron we euphemistically call public education.

Our well-meaning but brainwashed young advocates of socialism have yet to come to grips with the fact that socialism has never worked and invariably wreaks economic and social havoc on every society it contaminates. Worse yet, when socialism fails, it leaves the door wide open for dictator wannabes who justify the use of force as necessary to make socialism work.

Even with the use of force, socialist governments rapidly implode due to accelerated cronyism-induced bankruptcy, if not overthrown before then. The socialist implosion cycle is disastrous for most and beneficial only temporarily for those in power, only for the short duration while they retain control. You would think that the fatality rate among socialist dictators would be an effective deterrence. Evidently the siren song of free-lunch power is too tempting to pass up despite the fatality threat.

How can we counter this disturbing trend among our young future leaders? We need to ask ourselves which of our candidates offer a serious education reform alternative to counter the insidious socialism inroads among our our future leaders who have been subjected to public education brainwashing.

How can we identify effective anti-socialist education reform candidates? For starters, they are unlikely to come from the ranks of candidates afflicted with the equally insidious malady of political correctness.

We need to look at candidates that consistently set a good example with penetrating objectivity complemented by total disregard for political correctness. I see only two among those left on the list of nearly 50 candidates who reflect my education reform and rejection of political correctness criteria and perhaps only one with the additional education career prerequisite.

I think most of you already know who those two candidates are, but if not, put on your objective thinking caps, tell us who you think meets these standards, and justify your choices.


D. Pratt Tseramed, January 18, 2020

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