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Chinese Roulette? House Majority W.H.O. Funding Cut Probe Aids And Abets ChiComs? Who Should House Be Investigating?

in Activism/Media/News/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Chinese Roulette? House majority W.H.O. funding cut probe aids and abets ChiComs?

Today members of the U.S. House of Representatives majority thoroughly disgraced themselves by initiating a World Health Organization (W.H.O.) funding cut probe despite W.H.O. disinformation that killed thousands of innocent victims while Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci defended W.H.O. and Chinese Communist pandemic response.

The House majority probe reeks of political partisanship. Worse yet, the probe infers house majority support for W.H.O. and Chinese Communists. It is just as plain as the nose on your face that W.H.O. and their Maoist Directory General Tedros Adhanom are in bed with the Chinese Communists.

Would you vote for a party and their candidates who support the World Health Organization and Chinese Communists while we suffer under the W.H.O. recommended world economy lockdown and Chinese Communists continue their ‘ends justifies means’ bald-faced lies about China pandemic data and take advantage of the world economy lockdown to rebuild their own economy?

Are you as outraged as I am? Does politics as usual bring out the worst in us?

What party offers social tolerance and the freedom to determine your own destiny, instead of playing Chinese roulette with our economy and the lives of thousands of innocent victims?


D. Pratt Tseramed, April 28, 2020

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