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NEBREXIT, Secession-lite Movement To Establish Nebraska As A Legal Nullification Sanctuary From Big Brother

in Activism/Information/News/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
NEBR*EXIT secession-lite Nebraska legal nullification sanctuary to get Big Brother's attention.

Building on the success of BREXIT, Britain’s secession from the European Union, today a new movement is born in the ‘colonies’.

Welcome to NEBREXIT (pronounced Nee*BREXIT), or NEBR*EXIT (Nebraska Exit) to make the nomenclature more explicit.

Link to the brand-spanking new NebrExit Facebook page:


There is nothing like the threat of secession to get the attention of Big Brother.

The first step is to float the idea of creating a secession-lite legal sanctuary in the state of Nebraska where we decide which federal regulations we will honor and which we will nullify, similar to jury nullification.

Will this lead to a sovereign free state of Nebraska? Hard to say, but the more important issue is the need to reverse the accelerating growth trend of Big Brother.

Despite heroic efforts of freedom seekers in Nebraska and elsewhere, we are still hurtling out of control in the wrong direction toward mud-hut Socialism, poverty, misery and conformity.

A fresh localization effort is needed to point the needle back toward freedom.

Let’s think outside the box on how to leverage an NEBREXIT movement to put us back on the roads to freedom, nothing more, nothing less, for all people IN OUR LIFETIMES.


D. Pratt Tseramed, April 23, 2020

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