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Civil Disobedience

Jury Nullification First Localization Secession-lite Baby Step To Undermine Big Brother’s Achilles Heel – Theft of Taxation?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Jury Nullification First Localization Secession-lite Baby Step To Undermine Big Brother's Achilles Heel - Theft of Taxation?

The defense attorney in the following 3-minute enlightening video explains that even if a defendant is ‘guilty’ of violating the law as defined by the court, a juror can find the defendant not guilty because the juror believes that the law is unfair and therefore not legitimate.

“Jurors in most US states will never hear about their nullification powers in the courtroom”. Why is that? And why is this important to Libertarians?

Jury nullification is a secession-lite indirect localization baby step on the path to undermining the theft of taxation.

There is nothing like the threat of secession that would undermine their taxation revenue source to get the attention of Big Brother. Their racket is all about power and the revenue it takes to support their power system.

If you pull the taxation revenue leg out from under them, their extortion racket would collapse like a house of cards.

We must attempt to use the political process to undermine the cult of the omnipotent state even though it will be less effective that two other strategies.

To be realistic, the political process is the problem, not the solution. A political solution on its own merits may be a long time coming.

A more effective strategy is entrepreneurs out-competing government social service monopolies and returning them to the free market where they belong. Occupational licensing reform will help jump start the entrepreneur out-competition strategy.

In spite of the significant merits of the entrepreneur strategy, which we must attempt, it too may take longer than we have to save our economy and way of life.

Undermining taxation with the threat of secession shows considerable promise to speed up the process. The time is ripe to start the taxation undermining process with baby steps like jury/regulation nullification.

Strategies in priority order:

1. Undermine taxation starting with secession-lite baby steps like local jury/regulation nullification and peaceful civil disobedience leading up to the ultimate threat of secession

2. Entrepreneurs out-compete government social service monopolies and return them to the free market

3. Build the Libertarian farm team from the bottom up to keep the pressure on authorities and distract them from entrepreneur social service competition initiatives and efforts to undermine taxation with nullification and the ultimate threat of secession

It will take all three strategies in the priority order indicated above to overcome the legal or illegal obstacles created by institutional authoritarians. They will defend their taxation revenue and social service monopolies power base to the death, namely your death.

The above three prioritized steps will insure a peaceful transition from NON-COMPETITIVE cronyism-riddled tyranny of the majority to COMPETITIVE voluntary governance.


D. Pratt Tseramed – May 7, 2020
Home Office: 402-493-0873
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Draconian Government Economy-Busting Cronyism Mismanagement of Pandemic Opens Door For Heroic But Peaceful Nullification Civil Disobedience

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Heroic But Peaceful Nullification Civil Disobedience

DISCLAIMER: This meme and article are not to be construed as license or an excuse to irresponsibly risk exposing others to Covid-19. My intent is to delineate the threat and unintended consequences of government issued prohibition edicts, backed by force, that always backfire and make things worse. Humans thrive best when they are left free to decide what is best for themselves instead of government authorities abrogating their freedoms by making decisions for them. In the event that Golden Rule reciprocity is violated by the initiation of force or its derivatives, fraud, theft, and trespass; voluntary individual economic and social ostracism is a far more effective behavior modification tool than government force.

“Freedom is not for the faint of heart”

Here is the anchor meme in a series of ‘NULLIFICATION” posts to establish the moral justification for ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – PEACEFUL CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE’ in response to draconian government economy-busting cronyism mismanagement of the pandemic that is crushing the economy and the finances of workers, businesses, and citizens.

“A picture is worth a thousand words”

“Nullification is mightier than the sword of government edicts”

Food for thought.

ADDENDUM: Response to perceptive thoughts by David Tipton:

Well said. I suggest it is time to take the bull by the horns and attempt to answer your legitimate questions. Freedom is not for the faint hearted.
We agree that we must take into account the twin threats of lethal Covid-19 consequences and draconian government economy-busting cronyism mismanagement of the pandemic.

Here is the reality. If we bankrupt our economy, Covid-19 precautions will go out the window resulting in potentially even more catastrophic body counts and personal health tragedies. We need a prudent response to the pandemic, not draconian edicts.

This series of memes are reminders that we the people can and do employ nullification civil disobedience all the time in response to our screwed up government and legal system. We use cash payments to avoid the boot of taxation. We ignore silly laws that contradict common sense. We use jury nullification when laws, verdicts, sentences, and death penalties are flawed.

We need to remind government that we the people are in charge instead of the other way around. We need to tell government that we are no longer willing to be an abject, apathetic nation of sheep. It is time to nullify Big Brother and undermine the onerous burden of exorbitant point of a gun taxation, but in a peaceful way that injects common sense into how we govern ourselves with immunity from government abuse, cronyism, and corruption.

My wife and I are 81 and 79 respectively. She has underlying health conditions. We need to be responsible and continue our three-week plus self-funded self-quarantine for our own protection. Younger folks who have less health risks but more financial risks may want to consider returning to work provided that they exercise above and beyond prudent precautions to minimize putting themselves, extended family members, colleagues, and customers at risk. When in doubt, stay home.

These decisions, of course, must all be personal choices, not government edicts. Government will get the picture promptly if we exercise common sense and restore our economy and personal finances in peaceful defiance of misguided government power maneuvers.

Some freedom-oriented government talking heads, bureaucrats, and enforcers may have a better grip on the value of nullification. Others more focused on retaining their power and perks may not. So be it.

The American Dream has been perverted by Big Brother tyranny of the majority. My version of not playing the game is to take the bull by the horns and take a proactive role in determining our fate. That challenge is part and parcel of the Liberty movement journey down the roads to freedom, nothing more, nothing less, for all people.


D. Pratt Tseramed, March 27, 2020

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