Vaccine Conspiracy - Fact Or Fiction - Smoke But Is There A Fire? If True, Consequences For Mankind?

Vaccine Conspiracy – Fact Or Fiction – Smoke But Is There A Fire? If True, Consequences For Mankind?

in Activism/Information/News/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack

I am not a fan of conspiracy theories. Occam’s Razor favors simple models. However, the pieces are starting to fit together. A lot of smoke but is there a fire?

Is Dr. Anthony Fauci “the Bernie Madoff of Science”, as alleged in this 26-minute video? How about Robert Redfield of the CDC?

If you clicked on the link above you received the following message: “This video has been removed for violating YouTubes’s Community Guideline”. This should give you a clue as to the length that the perpetrators and their government cronies are willing to go to to cover up their crimes.

Folks, this is serious stuff that government is flexing their cover-up muscles on. You can add YouTube and Facebook to the list of bad guys in the meme above. However, their complicity prompts me to insert the rogue’s gallery meme at the following link. If Facebook invalidates this link, I will forward it to you upon request:

The meme at the link above does not mention any names of persons, just organizational acronyms with no obscenity, and just normal head shots of a sordid assortment of strange bedfellows in the pandemic vaccine arena. I should add YouTube and Facebook to the meme but they are just indirect government social media lapdogs not otherwise associated with the pandemic vaccine controversy.

Where does Bill Gates fit into this picture with his vaccine, vaccine tracking, and depopulation agenda in alliance with Dr. Fauci, FDA, CDC, and the discredited World Health Organization who are obviously in bed with the Chinese Communists.

Hmmm. Dr. Fauci is on the board of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates has contributed large sums to the FDA and CDC. Why?

This is scary stuff. If true, Fauci, Redfield, and government agency criminal behavior have caused tragic health consequences that make the Mafia and drug cartels look like choir boys.

Talk about being desensitized to moral issues! If a fraction of this video is true, it should be prosecutable criminal behavior on the scale of genocide and crimes against humanity.

Can we trust Congress to ferret out the truth before pandemics and FDA/CDC ‘Death by Regulation” destroy our health, our economy, and our way of life? We shall see.







See what conclusions you come to. If you are as concerned as I am about how this video relates to the Covid-19 pandemic, feel free to share this video. In the midst of a severe pandemic, how promptly we handle this alleged threat literally represents life or death for hundreds of thousands if not millions of people.


D. Pratt Tseramed, May 8, 2020, 402-493-0873






The subsequent “Plandemic” debunking post strikes me as authorities scrambling to sanitize their reputations with cover-up spin-doctoring.

I have noticed 4 kinds of responses to the conspiracy and debunking posts:

1. True believers who are prone to falling for every conspiracy theory – on the fringe

2. True believers who are prone to falling for anything that authorities say – truly dangerous

3. Those who could care less or can’t be bothered – understandable but ignorance is bliss can be just as dangerous

4. Rational skeptics who intuitively consider the big picture and take time for due diligence to fill in gaps

I believe that understanding the big picture requires evaluation of both actions and motives (Ludwig von Mises, Praxeology – study of human action and decision-making, the broader definition of Economics).


1 Comment

  1. Hello ,
    First let me thank you for your sharing of information .
    In a time where we find ourselves running out of time ,I believe the time has come for those who have not yet chosen a side to do so now or stand alone in what is fast becoming the truest fight between “Good & Evil where they will find themselves running from side to side until they discover that they are to weak for the Good side and even weaker from their time in the Evil side . I say this as I prepare myself and my family for the fight for our lives to protect us from the slow death that will inevitably come in phases under the guise of Protection from illness , Security from harm by unnamed enemies and Peace from making our own decisions that may cause harm or death all the while becoming I’ll by the hands of the Caretaker ,loss of feeling Secure within our homes by the never ending intrusions and lastly induring the task of watching our loved ones become riddled with illnesses as they grow weak and finally pass on.
    I am absorbing all the information I can and would appreciate if you could send me what it is that they won’t allow me to veiw.
    Stay well Stay Strong ,thank you

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