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Is Dr. Fauci Right? Vaccine Panacea For Covid-19 Or Just Another Smoke And Mirrors Big Bucks Boondoggle For Big Pharma And Big Brother?

in Activism/Free Market/Opinion/Politics/Poor Pratt's Almanack
Vaccine Panacea For Covid-19 Or Big Pharma and Big Brother Boondoggle?

Will Covid-19 Coronavirus vaccines be any better than flu vaccines with their 10-20% efficacy and high death rates?

Why are there no vaccines for other Corona viruses like the common cold?

Vulnerable people die from Corona common cold-induced pneumonia all the time. Not enough bucks for Big Pharma to take the risk in light of flu vaccine death rate failures?

Who is Dr. Fauci fooling? Will Covid-19 vaccines be any better than flu vaccines or will the big beneficiary be Big Pharma?

You can bet there is some high-level big bucks skulduggery going on within the FDA and CDC as Big Pharma players, lobbyists, and bureaucrats with approval authority go for the spoils with little regard for protecting our health.

What if a Covid-19 vaccine is not the panacea? Perhaps a wiser strategy would focus on TREATMENT and PREVENTATIVE health care.


Health care professionals will be heavily involved in developing treatments and thus will be an effective check and balance on government and Big Pharma in treatment research.

Preventive medicine is estimated at only 7% of very expensive ACA Obamacare insurance-based ALLOPATHIC health care.

Preventative medicine is estimated at 70% of cash-basis health care with better outcomes at a fraction of the cost.

Who would you rather have calling the shots on treatment development:

1. Health care professionals?

2. Big Pharma?

3. Big Brother?

Let’s say you are aware of a possible or likely pandemic frequency uptick in the future. You realize that you will have to take charge of your health, particularly if you are vulnerable with preventable underlying conditions.

What preventive health care choices will you have and which will you choose that will allow you to take charge of your health instead of relying on government, with all its corruption, cronyism, and health care mismanagement and disinformation, to cover for you on managing your health?

1. Cash-basis health care with 70% preventive medicine with better outcomes at a fraction of the cost?

2. ACA Obamacare insurance-based allopathic health care with only 7% preventive medicine at outrageous economy and budget-busting expense?

Doesn’t sound like rocket science to me. How about you?


D. Pratt Tseramed, April 13, 2020

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